Saturday, February 28, 2004
Hello everybody. How's it goin'. Pretty good here. I'm getting ready to make my own computer. I know what you're thinking, "is this guy sure he's only 54% geek." And yes, I am questioning that a little myself, but I may up my score by doing this overly geeky thing. Anyway, I'm making it for college. I'd like to have a computer, that isn't too expensive, and be able to write essays on it or play games every once in a while. This may be kinda expensive in the long run, but I'm buying it a little at a time. Probably in correspondence with my pay days. It will be like buying a car. That is if you got it in pieces and put it together as you got them. Anyway, I'll keep you updated, maybe give you a percentage of how complete my computer is. Later Days.
Guess what you guys. A couple of days ago I submitted my blog to google. It is in it now! If you put in the search term "Chuck Taylors and the Pillows" my website will be the #1 result out of 308. Isn't that awsome. I thought so. So now, if for some reason, a common explorer of the internet searches for "Chuck Taylors and the Pillows" he'll find me. I may get readers from people looking for shoes that have a squishy comfort level. Way to go me! Just wondering, what kind of things do you guys search for on google. Is google you favorite search engine. If not, what are you thinking? Anyway, Later Days.
Thursday, February 26, 2004
'Sup ya'll. Not much here. I went to the eye doctor today for my annual check-up. It was kinda nice, since I got to miss school for it. I went in, read a couple of letters on the wall an then sat down for the drops in my eyes. I have never had this done before, but they numbed my eyes with drops. I thought the numbing of the mouth was a strange sensation, I had no idea. The little needle feeling on my eyes, it was so weird. It wasn't bad though, like the dilation of eyes. I didn't have this done this time, because I opted for optomap, a new revolutionary form of eye exam that eliminates the use of eye dilation. To try and avoid sounding like a commercial, it was a lot nicer then being really sensitive to light. It was worth the extra $25, that's all I'm saying. I will be getting a new pair of glasses that will slightly change my look and I will have a contact fitting March 30. That's right, I'm getting contacts in a little over a month's time. Mark your calendars, because you know you'll be hearing about it when it happens. See ya' later, Later Days.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Hey. Since most of my readers are also fellow bloggers, you'll know what I'm talking about. Here at Blogger, they give us some creative tutorials, should we choose to read them. One of these such tutorials was, "how to date and blog." The interesting part I found about this one, is that it talked about a blog about a guy obsessed with Drew Barrymore and his blog was about how he wanted to date, marry, ect. her. I thought this was a really weird idea for a blog, but then I started to think. All of us really have celebrity crushes, we just don't always admit them. Well, here I go, I'm going to out my celebrity crush. I, Terry, have a celebrity crush on Hillary Duff. I think she's beautiful and talented. She seems really down to earth. I've even caught her in a pair of Chucks. She seems like the perfect match for me. I love her music and her acting style. Most of my favorite movies are Hillary Duff movies. I have a Hillary Duff calendar and Hillary Duff poster hanging in my room. I have the life story magazine of Hillary Duff laying on my desk. Yeah, I think I am a little obsessed with her, but it is natural, right? I thought so. The comments I'm looking for with this blog is, who is your celebrity crush. I thought this would be a fun topic to play around with. How do you know that they're your celebrity crush. Don't be afraid to tell all. Later Days.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Hey you guys. Guess what, I just took the geek test. I scored really good, 54% - Super Geek, way to go me. Aren't you proud of me. Isn't it fun. I'm officially a geek. How does this work? Do I have bragging rights now? Can I walk up to poser geeks and be like, "Hey, I'm a super geek and you're not!" Is that a good thing? Maybe its better not to question. I like being a geek, that's all that matters, right. I mean, I have a blog, what's geekier then that. What's wrong with memorizing the lines to a Monty Python movie or learning a computer language every once in a while. So what if I like to read Star Wars books and watch shows like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Charmed." Its what makes me, me. And if that makes me a geek, then so be it. I'm happy being who I am. Well, like I said, I do kinda strive to be different, does this mean I can stop trying. Later Days.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Wow, two posts in one day, what's gotten into me, could it be my disease. Maybe. I just wanted to point out again that I have linked to rachael's blog in my links section. You really should check her out. We are pretty close friends. Most of the things that happen in her life, also happen in mine. For example, In her blog she talk about a trip this summer to go see the Ellen show in California, I am one of the two close friends she mentions is going with her. She also talks about a play she auditioned for last week, I auditioned for that play, too. The play I talked about back in November, you guessed it, she was in that play, too. What I'm trying to say is that if you're reading this blog, you're obviously learning all there is to know about me, so you can only find out more from reading her blog. Many of the things I go into very little detail about, she goes into deep detail about. Some things I don't tell you because I don't feel its the right time for me to tell you, though if you read rachael's blog, you can make assumptions about my life. Just to let you know, I'm not "tin foil." That's her other close friend, that's right, she has a total of two. You wouldn't want to lower her self-esteem even more by not reading her blog, would you. Later Days.
Hey again. I didn't do really anything today. I was sick again. I think I got sick at work yesterday. The grease really needs to be changed. They need to make a retirement fund for fast food workers. Something along the lines of "Grease Lung" or "Greasy Comp." Maybe someday, when I get rich, I'll start one. That's a dream if I ever had one. I'll call it "Greasy Terry," that way, when someone retires from Wendy's or McDonald's they'll think of me, covered in grease. That truly is the Fast Food worker's dream. Maybe I should set my sights a little higher, for I do not intend on working here for the rest of my life. However, that does have a nice ring to it. Fast Food retirement, here I come. Later Days. BTW, I turned comments on here, so feel free to praise or fry my everyday events.
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Hi all. First of all I'd like to apologize for the vent last night, or this morning, whatever. I just needed to get all that out and of course a blog is the perfect place to do that. Next, I'd like to tell you about the rest of my blog title. Even though most people in the world know what Chuck Taylors are, I thought it may be a good idea to tell you why my blog is named after this brand of shoe. I really enjoy Chuck Taylors. They're really comfy and look different then any other brand of shoe. They make me feel different when I wear them and for me different is a good thing. That's right, I'm one of those people who does not object when he hears the words "hair dye," I don't mind being in my own crowd and not always fitting in exactly. I've always felt that being different is a good thing and yes, there are many, many other Chuck Taylor fans out there which does give me a crew to fit into, but for now, I like being different, so don't bust my bubble. I either want to become famous in some venue(music, acting, journalism) or become a teacher. That way I can either bask in not being like every other celebrity out there or tell an impressionable youth to strive to be different, break the mold, think outside the box, and all that other deep thinker nonsense. So, next time you go to the music store, don't just buy that Britney Spears CD because you really liked her song you heard on the radio 1,000 times, look around for something you've never heard before, you might like it or you've wasted $12. Either way, at least you've tried something different and you're no longer like everyone else. Later Days.
Hey you guys. You must be wondering why I'm up at 4:09 am. The answer: I had to close tonight. I got home about 2:30 and I can't go to bed without unwinding first. Thanks for letting me unwind with you. It gives me somebody, or nobody, to talk to. Which makes me question, is there anyone out there? Ya' know, I didn't just put the "e-mail me" link there for looks, feel free to use it anytime you like. You can tell me good things or bad things about my blog in an e-mail. Anyway, back to me closing. I hate closing. Not because its hard, but just because I get home so late. Some nights I don't get home that late. Like, tonight, I wouldn't of gotten home late. One of my co-workers and I got all of our work done early so we could go home at a reasonable hour. However, another of my co-workers didn't do his work until 1:00, and me and my friend(I call her my friend because she does her work) had to wait until he was done to go home. Do you realize how annoying that is, we just sat there, waiting. I could have been home an hour before I got home because someone didn't do their work. I could of had this blog done by now. I could have gone to bed an hour ago. That has never happened to me before. Normally everyone wants to go home early, I don't know why he didn't want to go home early. Oh my gosh, he makes me so mad! Okay, that's my vent for the day. Thanks for your time. E-mail me! Later days.
Friday, February 20, 2004
Hey everyone. Nice to see ya' again. All I really did today was go to school, go to NHS park clean up(loads of fun), go to show choir, and go to work. I hardly did anything at all today. I've really been enjoying school this term. The main reason for this is because I'm a teacher helper. Its kinda like a student teacher's aide. I share a class with the teacher and I get to help the kids with their work. I don't know all their names yet, but I know most of the faces, or so I thought. I went to the grocery store last night. The guy who took out our groceries, whom I had no clue who it was, looked at me and said, "Romine missed you yesterday." This probably means nothing to you because I neglected to tell you that Mr. Romine is the teacher I'm helping. So, you now can understand why I was taken aback. "Huh," I said. "Romine missed you yesterday," repeated this unknown bagging figure. By this point, I still had no clue what his name was, but I figured he was in my class. "Did he," I said, not wanting it to appear as if I didn't recognize him. "Yeah, he had a hard day today," he answered. I didn't know whether to be glad I wasn't there to have to help him sort through chaos, or be sad, because I would have much rather been there then watching smoke come off of my teeth. During my dilemma of emotions, I realized something. All those times I went to one of my old grade school teachers and they didn't remember me, but I could tell they were playing along not to hurt my feelings, was exactly what I was right now. Ten years from now any of these kids could walk up to me, reminiscing about the class, and I'll have no clue who they are. So don't feel hurt, you guys, when a teacher doesn't remember you, some people just slip through the cracks. Not to mention, I only have one class, most teachers have eight or nine a year. They are only human after all. Til' next time, later days.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Sorry guys, I haven't blogged for a couple of days, but I really have been trying to. I haven't ever had enough time to make a decent blog. I've decided to not make anymore crappy blogs. That is my promise from here on out. "I, Terry, Promise not to publish any more crappy blogs, no matter how much I'm in a hurry." There you have it, no more crappy blogs. I went to the dentist today. That was fun, let me tell you. As soon as I got there, I had my face numbed. That is the strangest sensation I've ever had. It was only the right side of my face. It felt I had half a face. I've been interested in stand-up comedy. I here a lot of comedy about how the dentist tries to talk to you while his hands are in your mouth. That's never happened to me, until today. I loved how casual he talked to me. Him, having full conversations with a full mouth. It was like if I would talk to someone who was eating, but expected them to talk back. He seemed like he understood every word, he must be a talented man. Then, of course, after he got his hands out of my mouth, the right side of my face had become completely numb. He wanted to talk to me some more. I did a pretty good job of not making myself sound like I had just gotten my tongue pierced. I guess it was because I had learned how to annunciate from all my acting and singing training. I had show choir practice afterwards. "I have never had a more enjoyable experience," I said in a sarcastic tone. I sounded like, well, ya' know those puppeteers who sing while their drinking water, that was me. My face had finally went back to normal at the end of practice, and here I am, blogging to all of you good people. I hope this wasn't crappy and I'm already lying, Later days.
Monday, February 16, 2004
Hi again. Wow, I haven't blogged for a little over a month. Happy Valentine's Day to anyone who may have noticed that the day did come this year. Okay, time for a little bit of self-glorification. I went to a Forensics Tournament this weekend. For those of you who may not know what forensics is, allow me to explain it to you. Forensics, in short, is speech and debate. You go into a classroom with four or five other competitors and perform. There are several events in which you can compete. I compete in Impromptu speaking(I get a topic and have five minutes to compose a speech), After Dinner Speaking(I write a funny speech, memorize it, perform it), and Prose(I read a selection of Prose). My weekend went as follows: I went to school Friday. I got in Mrs. Rouse's car at about 8:30. We left. We went to Tim Horton's for breakfast. We got back in Mrs. Rouse's car, it didn't start. We tried to start it for around a half hour. Mrs. Rouse called her husband and rented a car for the weekend. We switched cars. We arrived at Marshall University(location of the tournament) at about 11:15. We registered. We ate at a Mexican restaurant called "calamity Cafe." I went to my first Prose round. I went to my first After Dinner Round. I went to my first Impromptu round. The followed this pattern for a little while. After my Friday rounds, we ate at Bob Evans. I went home with our judges, Ariel, a college age black girl, and Eric, a big gay white college age guy. Imagine the fun I had. Done imagining yet, not yet, okay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . now, alright. The next day I went to my final rounds. To my surprise, I finaled in Impromptu and After Dinner. I went to my finals rounds. Ate some more. Went to awards. Here comes the self-glory part. I won first place in After Dinner and fifth place in Impromptu. I thought that was it. But, because I was entered in three categories I qualified in another category, Trithon. I brought home a second place trophy in that. That's right, I am good. ~Now for something completely different. I bought Maroon 5's CD yesterday. I thought they were good before, but now I love them(which is a feat because, they're a bunch of guys, and I'm a heterosexual male). Buy their CDs you guys, lets get them to no. 1. BTW I put a link for my friend Rachel's blog to the side, read it, its good.