
Sunday, February 22, 2004

Hi all. First of all I'd like to apologize for the vent last night, or this morning, whatever. I just needed to get all that out and of course a blog is the perfect place to do that. Next, I'd like to tell you about the rest of my blog title. Even though most people in the world know what Chuck Taylors are, I thought it may be a good idea to tell you why my blog is named after this brand of shoe. I really enjoy Chuck Taylors. They're really comfy and look different then any other brand of shoe. They make me feel different when I wear them and for me different is a good thing. That's right, I'm one of those people who does not object when he hears the words "hair dye," I don't mind being in my own crowd and not always fitting in exactly. I've always felt that being different is a good thing and yes, there are many, many other Chuck Taylor fans out there which does give me a crew to fit into, but for now, I like being different, so don't bust my bubble. I either want to become famous in some venue(music, acting, journalism) or become a teacher. That way I can either bask in not being like every other celebrity out there or tell an impressionable youth to strive to be different, break the mold, think outside the box, and all that other deep thinker nonsense. So, next time you go to the music store, don't just buy that Britney Spears CD because you really liked her song you heard on the radio 1,000 times, look around for something you've never heard before, you might like it or you've wasted $12. Either way, at least you've tried something different and you're no longer like everyone else. Later Days.

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