Thursday, February 19, 2004
Sorry guys, I haven't blogged for a couple of days, but I really have been trying to. I haven't ever had enough time to make a decent blog. I've decided to not make anymore crappy blogs. That is my promise from here on out. "I, Terry, Promise not to publish any more crappy blogs, no matter how much I'm in a hurry." There you have it, no more crappy blogs. I went to the dentist today. That was fun, let me tell you. As soon as I got there, I had my face numbed. That is the strangest sensation I've ever had. It was only the right side of my face. It felt I had half a face. I've been interested in stand-up comedy. I here a lot of comedy about how the dentist tries to talk to you while his hands are in your mouth. That's never happened to me, until today. I loved how casual he talked to me. Him, having full conversations with a full mouth. It was like if I would talk to someone who was eating, but expected them to talk back. He seemed like he understood every word, he must be a talented man. Then, of course, after he got his hands out of my mouth, the right side of my face had become completely numb. He wanted to talk to me some more. I did a pretty good job of not making myself sound like I had just gotten my tongue pierced. I guess it was because I had learned how to annunciate from all my acting and singing training. I had show choir practice afterwards. "I have never had a more enjoyable experience," I said in a sarcastic tone. I sounded like, well, ya' know those puppeteers who sing while their drinking water, that was me. My face had finally went back to normal at the end of practice, and here I am, blogging to all of you good people. I hope this wasn't crappy and I'm already lying, Later days.
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