
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Hey you guys. Guess what, I just took the geek test. I scored really good, 54% - Super Geek, way to go me. Aren't you proud of me. Isn't it fun. I'm officially a geek. How does this work? Do I have bragging rights now? Can I walk up to poser geeks and be like, "Hey, I'm a super geek and you're not!" Is that a good thing? Maybe its better not to question. I like being a geek, that's all that matters, right. I mean, I have a blog, what's geekier then that. What's wrong with memorizing the lines to a Monty Python movie or learning a computer language every once in a while. So what if I like to read Star Wars books and watch shows like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Charmed." Its what makes me, me. And if that makes me a geek, then so be it. I'm happy being who I am. Well, like I said, I do kinda strive to be different, does this mean I can stop trying. Later Days.

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