
Friday, February 20, 2004

Hey everyone. Nice to see ya' again. All I really did today was go to school, go to NHS park clean up(loads of fun), go to show choir, and go to work. I hardly did anything at all today. I've really been enjoying school this term. The main reason for this is because I'm a teacher helper. Its kinda like a student teacher's aide. I share a class with the teacher and I get to help the kids with their work. I don't know all their names yet, but I know most of the faces, or so I thought. I went to the grocery store last night. The guy who took out our groceries, whom I had no clue who it was, looked at me and said, "Romine missed you yesterday." This probably means nothing to you because I neglected to tell you that Mr. Romine is the teacher I'm helping. So, you now can understand why I was taken aback. "Huh," I said. "Romine missed you yesterday," repeated this unknown bagging figure. By this point, I still had no clue what his name was, but I figured he was in my class. "Did he," I said, not wanting it to appear as if I didn't recognize him. "Yeah, he had a hard day today," he answered. I didn't know whether to be glad I wasn't there to have to help him sort through chaos, or be sad, because I would have much rather been there then watching smoke come off of my teeth. During my dilemma of emotions, I realized something. All those times I went to one of my old grade school teachers and they didn't remember me, but I could tell they were playing along not to hurt my feelings, was exactly what I was right now. Ten years from now any of these kids could walk up to me, reminiscing about the class, and I'll have no clue who they are. So don't feel hurt, you guys, when a teacher doesn't remember you, some people just slip through the cracks. Not to mention, I only have one class, most teachers have eight or nine a year. They are only human after all. Til' next time, later days.

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