
Saturday, April 24, 2004

Hey, I called into work yesterday for today and tomorrow and I got one of the nice managers. She understood and said I could stay home for the weekend. I'm getting my stitches out on Monday, then I should be pretty much all better. Did I ever tell you guys that I was planning on missing my prom because of a Boy Scout trip, well, I was. Guess what? It looks like I'm not going to be going to either. My sister is coming in again this week. I had planned to go on the Boy Scout trip this weekend and I would really rather spend time with her. In fact, I plan on going to see "Ella Enchanted this weekend with my mom, brother, and sister. I'll still be missing prom, but really I still think family time is more important. I do feel bad that I'm missing the camping trip, it seemed like it would be a lot of fun, but I'll be fine. I still think I can get my Eagle without going, I just have to work extra hard. I feel kinda empty now, I'm missing prom because I'm missing a camping trip. Why did I ever decide to do that. I've never felt this way, I feel like I made a really bad decision and its just cam back to bite me. I'm alright, senior prom isn't everything. Later Days.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Okay, I lied, and unforunatly its not going to be my last today. I didn't go to school today. I hope you can forgive me for deceiving you. This will be the last time, I promise. I wasn't really lying at the time however, I did believe my statements to be true. But when I woke up this morning, I had two thoughts on my mind. 1. I do feel better, but my mouth does still hurt. Should I be going back? and 2. Is there really any point of going back to school the last day of the week when you already missed the rest of it? And I couldn't deny my mind, I was making some valid points. How could I argue? I couldn't. So, I stayed home today. Now, to the second lie I'm going to tell today. Since I'm not going to school today, I'm defiantly not going back to work tomorrow. I don't want my first experience of the outside world to be "Wendys Old Fasioned Hamburgers of Danville." That means I'm going to have to call them today and exaggerate my aliments so they can't possibly allow me to work. I know that in the past managers have downed people who has called in every day of a week, but surly this is different. They couldn't of had surgery the same week. I know they'll understand, as long as I don't have to talk to the "bad" managers. These two managers are the ones I would really prefer not to work with. The ones that pretty much anybody would prefer not to work with. They are the ones who would not understand my pain and force me to work, even if I was in my deathbed. I'm just glad it will all be over when I go to college. The only down side to staying in doors all this time, is that I can't go to the concert my little town is having tonight. A band composed of four of my friends are going to be there. I really wanted to go to support them. Sorry Guys. I'll go to the next one. Wish me luck on my lies to work. Later Days.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I've noticed that my recent posts have either been about how I've been sitting at home or about someone I idolize. I would like to make it clear that I don't just sit at home and idolize people all the time. I do go outside every once in a while and do outdoor things. I have been having excessive indoors time recently because of me recovering and all, but that will change, tomorrow in fact. I plan on going back to school tomorrow. That's right, Terry's going outdoors again for the first time this week. Speaking of being indoors for a long period of time and recovering from surgery, you would imagine that would cause a lot of relax time, or attempts to relax rather. Is it just me, or is it that every time you try to do a relaxing activity(sleeping, watching tv, meditating, or anything that relaxes you as an individual, like for me blogging and surfing the internet) you hear that ringing of the phone. That happened to me, not once, not twice, but three times today. It first happened when I got on the computer to play on the internet earlier today. I had logged on to my e-mail account and started a download and what happened but the phone rang. I answered it, of course, and it was a telemarketer. After I promptly hung up I had lost my connection from the internet and had to reconnect. I understand that telemarketers have to have jobs to live, but honestly I would rather be reading SPAM offering the same product then having to hear someone tell me about it. The second time the curse of the phone struck was about 4:00 pm. I had just went back to bed to try to get some more rest, since this will be my final day of that. If any of you have dogs that are small, cute, and lovable, and also love to sleep with you, you understand that it takes them a good ten minutes to get situated, at which point you can situate yourself. Well, I have two of these cute, lovable creatures that took their time finding their perfect sleeping spot, when the phone rang. This time it was my grandma. I understand that she is worried about me in my time of need, but can't she understand that when I'm trying to relax I don't want to hear the rantings of a worried, elderly woman. Okay, she hung up, I went back to bed, my puppies also went back to bed, we were happy, until. . . . . the phone rang again. This time it was, guess who, another telemarketer. Do they know when to quit? It seems to me that most people don't want to hear a telemarketer around 4:30 in the evening. This is a time when most people have just gotten home from work, or are getting ready to go to work. This is a time of day when almost everybody in the world is either exhausted or frantic, not a good time to be receiving offers about that new way to consolidate your bills. The third time, you could probably have guessed, is right now. As I'm trying to inform all of you good people of the dangers of relaxation, my grandmother called again. She is still worried about me, I guess. I hope this is the end of my relaxation woes for the day. If I receive a call from a telemarketer post-9:30, I'm going to throw my phone away and never answer it again. Later Days.

Hey, since most of my readers are fellow bloggers, have any of you tried this new Gmail thing. I signed up for it as soon as I saw the link just because I've always been a huge Google supporter. So, why don't you guys e-mail me at this new address so I can test this new e-mail service to its fullest extent. Also, I'd like to apologize for the stupid Java Script prompt asking you guys your name, I was just trying to show Rachael some new Java Script I learned since I haven't seen her for a while with the whole wisdom teeth thing and all. I thought it was cool to learn, but very annoying on someone's website. Sorry again, Later Days.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Hey you guys. I'm feeling better, but I don't think I'm going back to school tomorrow. My mom said she wouldn't mind if I didn't think I was up to it, and honestly, since I can only talk in a whisper and then it still hurts the back of my mouth, I don't think I'm ready. My friend Rachael has apparently gotten some of my homework for me, she called me today, but since I can't talk. . . .ya' know. My brother filled me in on what he heard and really I just filled you in. I think I may send my brother over to her house tomorrow to get it for me. I hope that's okay Rachael. I really hope I didn't miss that much, even though I know I did. If I didn't miss much in Calculus, then I must not have been taking Calculus. One other thing happened today, as 7:00 pm rolled around, I turned on the TV to "The Screen Savers" as usual. I was surprised to find that Wil Wheaton was a guest on the show. If you don't know who Wil Wheaton is, allow me to fill you in. The main reason most of you probably know the name is because he played Wesley on "Star Trek: Next Generation" and as most of you know, I for sure knew that because of how incredibly geeky I am. Star Trek aside, the main reason this excited me is that he is the reason I blog. Whenever I was first considering blogging I stumbled upon a free blogging site known as Blogger, on the Blogger homepage, the first article was about this former actor Wil Wheaton who had gotten a three-book deal with his blog. Me, an aspiring writer, was intrigued by this concept, that by not really even trying, one could get a book deal with a blog. This new information pushed me onto the blogging bandwagon and that's where I've been ever since. Watching my inspiration talking about his books and his blog made me proud to be a blogger. He truly represents the blogging community gracefully and makes us seem like real people, who live our lives off the computer, and only recount it here. This was really a great day for me, I got to see my two idols, Kevin Rose and Wil Wheaton, and the same show. I only wish Kevin could of been the one interviewing Wil, maybe someday. . . . someday. Later Days.

Monday, April 19, 2004

I woke up and had some pudding and milkshake. It is easier now because the swelling is down. It still hurts when I talk though, so you will still see a lot of me around here. Enough about my aliments, any of my veterans may be wondering who this new Kevin Rose person whom I added a link to his blog here yesterday. The answer, my inspiration to program. Kevin Rose has been on The Screen Savers for a while now, he recently became the new co-host. The thing that makes him so important to me is the fact that he is so into computers and computer languages at such a young age. He is still in his early twenties. The other day I was cruising around the internet looking to see if their were any new blogs from Tech TV personalities, and found his. I was very excited, since his blog was still kinda new, there weren't many comments yet. I posted one, telling him how much I enjoy his show and how much he has inspired me. I hope he will visit here, I left a link as a signature to my comment, it looked very not tacky. I don't think he realizes how much it would really mean to me if he would visit my blog. He has become kinda like a big brother I don't really ever get to see and a hero. I he does come here, I hope he e-mails me, we may actually get to become friends. We seem as if we'd get along. For example, in his bio on the tech TV website they asked his favorite TV show, he answered he only really watches "Family Guy," and "Futurama." I absolutely love those and have for a long time. Not to mention the fact that his girlfriend really likes anime, between the two of them I could make a very fun to have around third wheel that would know when his welcome was worn out, leaving to give them some alone time. So, Kevin, if you come here, please e-mail me, I would love to get to know you outside of TV and I mean that in a very non-stalker way. At least comment anyway, you have no idea how excited that would make me. I'd open the comments window, see "Kevin" as the author of a post, then start jumping around with no regard to the new stitches in my mouth. Hope to see ya' around here Kevin, Later Days.

Do wisdom teeth serve any purpose what so ever? They come in during your later teen years, then many of us get them ripped out before we can even get used to having our new bodypart buddies. If you couldn't of guessed from that slightly morbid intro, I had my wisdom teeth taken out today. I went in the surgeon's office, sat in that dentist chair, was put on laughing gas, and I can't remember too much after that. I woke up to the voice of a dental assistant who I never saw anytime prior to the operation who proceeded to lead me out to the car. My mom took me inside, at which point I went to bed, because it seemed like the only thing I could think of that made sense, and feel asleep for about two hours. My mom and aunt went out to get me some soft stuff to eat and my grandma went down to keep an eye on me, what is this, do I have to have babysitters again. The worst part, I can't talk, it sounds really weird since my tongue is really swollen. I know, people can live without talking, but as many of you may know, I have many random thoughts running through my head and at least a few of them need to get out or I'll explode. That is why I'm here right now. Be prepared to hear a lot of random thought in the next three days, that's how long I'm going to be out of school and work. I know, three days out of school and work, sounds very cool, and it is, if it wasn't for the throbbing pain in the back of my mouth. Another drawback, I'm taking calculus I, its okay to miss, but missing three days if suicide for someone like me who needs the teacher to explain everything to me at least three times before I can understand it. I hope I don't get too behind, pray for me guys, that's all I got. Later Days.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Something that I realized not too long ago is that even though I link to Morgan Webb's blog, some of you may not have any clue as to who she is. As strange as this seems to Tech TV junkies like myself, there are people out there who don't watch Tech TV. I will attempt to answer the questions any of you may have about this girl in this entry. It all started one day when a new girl came onto the computer Q&A variety show, "The Screen Savers." Her name, as most of you probably guessed, was Morgan Webb. She stayed on the show for a long period of time and went on to become a very prominate member of the cast. Now, she has moved on to Tech TV's gaming show, "X-Play." On this show, her and co-host Adam Sessler review games and make some very funny moments happen with their dynamite chemistry. As, her most recent accomplish, Morgan has been announced playboy.com's hottest girl of tech. In this she competed with four of her co-workers from the channel. The race was close, but she flew to the top. I'm really a pretty clean guy and really hardly ever go to playboy.com, but she convinced me to go so I could vote for her. I have always loved her as a TV personality and wish her the best of luck in all her ventures. I have loved her so much, that if Hillary Duff didn't already steal my heart away, Morgan would probably be my Celebrity crush. Later Days.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Okay, I'm back home after a long day of work, now ready to talk about my hopes and dreams, the one thing most precious to me. What resparked my interest in musical theater, was "Made." This is a show on MTV in which they turn people into whatever they want to be turned into. For example, this perky, college girl from Alabama wanted to become a Broadway dancer in the musical, "42nd Street." She didn't make the play in the end, but she learned a lot and did make it past the first cut. She did good, considering she only practiced with a real trainer for four weeks. When I saw this, I thought to myself, "If this girl with barely any former dance or musical training can make it this far, then someone like me(a show choir geek, band geek, and theater geek) could probably actually make a Broadway play. So I decided, I'm going to follow this thing. No matter what is in my way, I'm going to make it. Whether I end up being a singer/songwriter, a movie actor, or a Broadway star, I'm going to make it. I don't care who is in my way or what anybody else says, I'm doing this for me. I know it may be hard, but I would be happier being a starving artist(when I use the word "artist" I mean someone associated with the arts) then a successful anything else. Later Days, or See Ya' in the Movies!

I didn't blog yesterday, sorry guys, but I'm going to make it up to you. Today I'm going to try my hardest to blog twice today. I have to work 2-8, but I'm going to give you that dream blog I promised you at the beginning of the week. Its weird, before I heard about Kassie, I was totally in the mood to write that blog entry, but now, I'm not so much. I still have dreams, but for some reason I don't feel that I can deliver a decent blog from that topic, even though I felt fully capable of doing so before. I'm just going to try to make myself be engulfed in my dreams all day at work today, getting myself in the mood to write about them. That way I can be true to myself and you good people. That's it for now, Later Days.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Hey. Hey. What's going on? Not much here, you? Not much here either. We see those words on our computer screen every time we instant message someone. Why do we even bother? If, obviously, nothing is going on with either of us, then we probably don't have anything to talk about. You'd think that if you would be looking for someone to talk to in the vast internet, you would choose someone who was doing something, ya' know, someone who would have something interesting to talk about. It seems to me that every single person on the internet is alike. The only reason people turn on an IM is to make the time go by faster because they have nothing to do. The problem, no interesting conversations come from people with nothing to do. Its like when you hang out at someone's house, with nothing to do. Hardly any conversations spring forth that you couldn't have doing something fun. What ever happened to actually meeting people in the real world, we have to do it on a machine without ever seeing what they look like. I'm really one to talk though, I'm talking to someone online right now, the girl I told you about earlier. I want to meet her though, we should really get along. This is the second time I got to talk to her, I've really missed her, does that sound cheesy. Well, at least I really know pretty much all the people that read this. Later Days, Rachael and Dustin, and on occasion Catlin and Chelsey.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Hey you guys. I'm feeling a lot better today. When I made that last post I was just flooded with emotion. Its weird, I've never gotten over something as fast as I did with Kassie. Its like this blog is a vent for my problems. Even if only my close friends are reading this, I feel it is very helpful to release my feelings into this blog. It really helps me. Also, when I am really emotional, it makes much better blog entries. I'm sure you like that. I feel like a good songwriter when I really post an emotional blog. It reminds me of whenever I heard "Where Were You" by Alan Jackson and it seemed as if he just dumped everything he was feeling into an amazing song, which turned out to be what a lot of other people were feeling too. I hope that blog entry was a help to just a few people. Sometimes, just to see that other people are going through what you're going through helps. I was really proud of the last blog, I just want to help people. I know that sounds cheesy, but I'm very sincere. I truly feel that we were put here to help other people, so I try to do my part everyday. I think that may be a reason why I want to be an entertainer, I think there is no better way to help then entertain. Later Days.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Okay guys, I was going to have a heart felt blog entry about my dreams, but something happened that I think I need to blog about first, you'll get your heart felt stuff later, as promised, but it has to go on hold. Yesterday I was working with my friend Sara. We'd been working all night and she looked at me about 10:30 and said, "Terry, have you felt haunted all day? I have." I had no clue what she was talking about. After I'd given her that deer in headlights stare, she continued, "Didn't you hear, Kassie died in a car wreck." Kassie is a girl in my grade, that's right, a senior, a little over a month from graduation. I didn't think it really hit me, but it did just now. A feeling of complete sadness and awareness came over me as I was typing this. This one event made me more aware, then I had ever been before, that you can go at anytime. You may ask, go where, the truth is I don't know. As a Christian, I have a guess, but really I know as little about the great beyond as any of you do. Kassie was a good person, I didn't know her that well, but she was one of those people who never hesitated to say "hi" to you in the hallway. I'll miss her, but really, I feel like I should thank her. Now, more then ever, I will live my life to the fullest. I might not get to graduate, just like Kassie. I don't know if I'll see tomorrow. I hope I do, I hope I get to have a successful music career in my lifetime, but I have to live for the "now", not the "someday". I probably will get to go to college next year, but I will experience as much as I can in my first year, I won't wait and depend on that tomorrow that my may never come. So, I feel this blog entry should be like my final goodbye for Kassie. Kassie, I will really miss you. You were a really good person, I'm not going to flatter myself and say you were one of my friends, because I know better. You were one of the best acquaintances I've ever had though. I hope the rest of the people I meet in my life can be like you. I'm glad I can say I've met you. I wish you the best of luck, where ever you are right now. If you're in heaven right now, if there is such a place, try and save me a room in your mansion, I'd like to come visit, even if I may not get to live there. I hope you enjoy the Easter party I'm sure they'll be having tomorrow, it has to be a blast. I'd like to thank you, for saying "hi" to me in the hallway even when you didn't have to. Thank you for being here with me, the time we shared, even if we just occupied the same room without ever speaking. I can't say I've loved you as a friend, Kassie, but I can say I loved you as a person. That's right Kassie, I love you. I hope you're happy right now, we'll try not to cry over you too much, I don't think you'd of wanted that. I'd never seen you without a smile on your face. We will get over missing you, but we never will forget you. I'll always remember you Kassie, Goodbye, or as I say around here, Later Days.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Hey you guys. Today was a pretty relaxed day. I went to work at 11:30 and got back home at 5:00. I really like working day shift because it doesn't ruin my day, at 5:00 I still have a full day ahead of me. After I got home, my grandma wanted her to come up to her house to eat. I used to kinda just say I wasn't hungry when she would tell me that, simply because I wanted to stay home, but recently, since I'm going to be going off to college soon and won't be seeing as much of her, I've been more then willing to eat with her. After we ate, I hung up pictures for her. I really enjoying doing that kind of thing. She let me hang them however I wanted in her house, it let me express my creative side(and I've got a big one, being an artistic person and all). If I were gay, I might consider a career in interior design, but I'm straight, darn it(he said sarcastically). After I expressed my metrosexual side, I went back home. I did some tae bo. I'm really working out a serious work-out regime for myself. I'm going to alternate doing 30 min. of tae bo and dancing the equivalent of running 6.5 miles in an hour everyday for a while, if I'll keep it up that is. BTW, I can drink soda again, I made it a full thirty days and didn't crack, that much. I survived the caffeine headaches and even started having dreams about me drinking it and as much as it got to me, I stuck to my plan. I am very proud of myself, unless that being conceded, in which case, I'm glad its finally over. In truth, I'm a little of both. The only real disappointment, soda doesn't taste as good to me anymore, it tastes a lot stronger then it used to, it must be a ploy of the soda companies. They gradually made their products stronger so the customers wouldn't notice, but they also knew that I was on a fast of their products, thus for punishment for not buying their product for forty days, they made their product unbearable to me. That, or I'm just not used to it yet. Either way, it really makes this fast seem useless, I really don't want to drink it at all now, or is that a good thing. Later Days.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Okay, before I do my blog entry, I wanna tell you something. I received the WV higher education grant. It pays for 70% of my tuition and fees, and with promise paying for my tuition, my college is paid for, maybe with a little extra even. Now for the blog. I met a girl online a couple days ago. We're quite a bit alike. She listens to the same music as me, colors her hair like me, has pets like me, and probably more stuff we didn't get into. She's from Kopperston, the town my mom grew up in. I haven't had "internet" friends for a while now. This may help me get back into it, I really enjoyed having friends over the internet, I knew they had the same interests as me. I really miss some of my old "internet" friends, maybe I can find them again now. BTW, I saw "Home on the Range" yesterday. It was the tale of three cows trying to save their home. A story full of drama, romance, comedy, suspense, and any other direction movies can wrench your emotions in. It featured the voice talents of Roseanne Barr, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Steve Buscemi, and many more. Movie trailers aside, it was a really good and funny movie. It was entertaining and appropriate for all ages. One more thing, I'm really looking forward to a movie called "Ella Enchanted," starring Anne Hathaway from Princess Diaries, its like a live action fairy tale. It looks really good, I might go see it next week with my family. I'll give you a thumbs up or thumbs down when I see it. Later Days.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Today will be good news day. I have a couple of things to tell you that made me very happy. First off, I received a letter for the promise scholarship yesterday. It is a scholarship set up by the West Virginia government that any high school senior with a gpa of 3.0 or above and at least a 21 on ACTs with a 19 in all the sub-scores would get their tuition paid for. Well, I have a 3.6 gpa and a 24 on my ACTs with a lowest score of 21, so I really qualified. That means that all I have need money for is room and board. Secondly, my school band(which includes me) received a rating of 1, the highest possible. We performed pieces with a difficulty of 5, one of the hardest out there. No other band performed two 5s, so we kinda scored the highest. To make us feel even better, our principal and vice principal walked into our band class today with a cake in hand. They told us how proud they were of us, and it made me feel really proud of myself. I know it was a group effort, but I really played a big part. I'm not trying to be conceded, but all my solos added together would probably be about the length of half of all of our music. I kinda carried us through half of it, not because I'm so great we had to get a 1, but because the baritone player would have to carry his or her band through the pieces. With that said, I also have a fun story. As stated previously, me and the rest of the high school band went to ratings yesterday. We ate at Wendy's in Chapmanville. If you remember, Wendy's is where I work. The Wendy's of Danville gets substitute managers from the Chapmanville Wendy's. I didn't think about this until I got off the bus and saw the vehicle of one of my past substitute managers. Nobody in band knew who I was talking about when I exclaimed, "Sherrie's here!" They thought I was really close to insane when I kept yelling, "Hey Sherrie," waving frantically to no avail. She was busy and was not paying any attention to me. When I get to the front of the line, she spotted me. We had a nice little conversation filled with "What've you been up to,"s and "Its been a while,"s. I'm glad I got to see her, she has always been my favorite manager, it was a lot to go through for a "hi" though. Later Days.

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