
Saturday, April 17, 2004

Okay, I'm back home after a long day of work, now ready to talk about my hopes and dreams, the one thing most precious to me. What resparked my interest in musical theater, was "Made." This is a show on MTV in which they turn people into whatever they want to be turned into. For example, this perky, college girl from Alabama wanted to become a Broadway dancer in the musical, "42nd Street." She didn't make the play in the end, but she learned a lot and did make it past the first cut. She did good, considering she only practiced with a real trainer for four weeks. When I saw this, I thought to myself, "If this girl with barely any former dance or musical training can make it this far, then someone like me(a show choir geek, band geek, and theater geek) could probably actually make a Broadway play. So I decided, I'm going to follow this thing. No matter what is in my way, I'm going to make it. Whether I end up being a singer/songwriter, a movie actor, or a Broadway star, I'm going to make it. I don't care who is in my way or what anybody else says, I'm doing this for me. I know it may be hard, but I would be happier being a starving artist(when I use the word "artist" I mean someone associated with the arts) then a successful anything else. Later Days, or See Ya' in the Movies!

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