Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Okay, before I do my blog entry, I wanna tell you something. I received the WV higher education grant. It pays for 70% of my tuition and fees, and with promise paying for my tuition, my college is paid for, maybe with a little extra even. Now for the blog. I met a girl online a couple days ago. We're quite a bit alike. She listens to the same music as me, colors her hair like me, has pets like me, and probably more stuff we didn't get into. She's from Kopperston, the town my mom grew up in. I haven't had "internet" friends for a while now. This may help me get back into it, I really enjoyed having friends over the internet, I knew they had the same interests as me. I really miss some of my old "internet" friends, maybe I can find them again now. BTW, I saw "Home on the Range" yesterday. It was the tale of three cows trying to save their home. A story full of drama, romance, comedy, suspense, and any other direction movies can wrench your emotions in. It featured the voice talents of Roseanne Barr, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Steve Buscemi, and many more. Movie trailers aside, it was a really good and funny movie. It was entertaining and appropriate for all ages. One more thing, I'm really looking forward to a movie called "Ella Enchanted," starring Anne Hathaway from Princess Diaries, its like a live action fairy tale. It looks really good, I might go see it next week with my family. I'll give you a thumbs up or thumbs down when I see it. Later Days.
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