Monday, April 19, 2004
I woke up and had some pudding and milkshake. It is easier now because the swelling is down. It still hurts when I talk though, so you will still see a lot of me around here. Enough about my aliments, any of my veterans may be wondering who this new Kevin Rose person whom I added a link to his blog here yesterday. The answer, my inspiration to program. Kevin Rose has been on The Screen Savers for a while now, he recently became the new co-host. The thing that makes him so important to me is the fact that he is so into computers and computer languages at such a young age. He is still in his early twenties. The other day I was cruising around the internet looking to see if their were any new blogs from Tech TV personalities, and found his. I was very excited, since his blog was still kinda new, there weren't many comments yet. I posted one, telling him how much I enjoy his show and how much he has inspired me. I hope he will visit here, I left a link as a signature to my comment, it looked very not tacky. I don't think he realizes how much it would really mean to me if he would visit my blog. He has become kinda like a big brother I don't really ever get to see and a hero. I he does come here, I hope he e-mails me, we may actually get to become friends. We seem as if we'd get along. For example, in his bio on the tech TV website they asked his favorite TV show, he answered he only really watches "Family Guy," and "Futurama." I absolutely love those and have for a long time. Not to mention the fact that his girlfriend really likes anime, between the two of them I could make a very fun to have around third wheel that would know when his welcome was worn out, leaving to give them some alone time. So, Kevin, if you come here, please e-mail me, I would love to get to know you outside of TV and I mean that in a very non-stalker way. At least comment anyway, you have no idea how excited that would make me. I'd open the comments window, see "Kevin" as the author of a post, then start jumping around with no regard to the new stitches in my mouth. Hope to see ya' around here Kevin, Later Days.
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