
Monday, January 31, 2005

Step Two to Making a Morning Show: Learning how to Do the Stuff

This morning I had to get up bright and early to watch a morning show. It was pretty cool. This was a three person show, quite different from the show I'm planning. It seemed as if there was little or no preparation to this show. They just kinda sat around and talked about whatever crossed their mind. Although they hadn't planned anything out, it was still very entertaining. It was fun to see a show come together, even though it wasn't the show I had thought it would be. I received an email today from a guy in a band and he said he wanted to send me a CD of his band. It is really awesome when this happens. He also agreed to come onto the show sometime, I may have my first guest booked. If there are anybody out there who's in a band, even if you live far off, I'll play your stuff if you send it to me. I would rather play music from people who need to be established, rather then people who are already established. Hopefully I can get this show up and running by this Wednesday. Later Days.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Step One to making a Morning Show: Meeting your Co-Host

Okay, you guys all know that I have recently become the Co-Host of a radio morning show. You also knew that I had no clue who my co-host was. Last Thursday, we met up at the local Starbucks for some quality coffee and a pleasant meeting. Now, I was a little worried of what my co-host would be like. There are two formulas to good morning shows, either the co-hosts are so different that they foil one another and it makes some good entertainment, or the hosts could be very similar and they have a ton of stuff to talk about. If my co-host was just kinda different from me, it could spell ruin for this currently non-existent show. I lucked out, we were very similar. Allow me to elaborate on how much alike we are. When we first applied to college we wanted to be music majors, eventually we both decided to become broadcast journalism majors and enjoyed it so much we never wanted to return to music as a major. We both went through punk phases in high school and now we are both at the point where we realize that pop music today isn't so bad. I have a dream of someday owning a coffee shop and she currently works at a coffee shop and loves it. There is only one problem I foresee in our future, when she asked me what kind of music I am into now, I told her how I was kinda into Disney artists, like Hilary Duff. She replied with, "I really haven't listened to Hilary Duff much, but I like Lindsey Lohan." As most of you know, any good Hilary Duff fan loathes Lindsey Lohan. I guess she doesn't realize how insanely crazy I am about Hilary. When this information comes out, I hope it doesn't ruin our relationship. 'Til that happens, Later Days.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Radio Morning Shows

Just about everybody has their favorite morning show they listen to on the way to work or school. Now you may be able to say your favorite show is "Terry and Hayley." That's right, I am now the co-host of a morning show. This is a huge opportunity for me, I get to talk casually more then I ever have before. If any of you live in the Huntington, WV area, be sure to listen to me Wednesdays from 6-9 am. I'll be playing all my favorite stuff and if any of you have any songs you'd like played on the radio that you don't hear nearly enough, I'll play it for you and give it some more exposure. If you have a band and would like to send me a clean CD, e-mail me. So, be sure to listen to WMUL, the cutting edge on your radio dial, 88.1. Later Days.

Friday, January 21, 2005


I just saw the movie Spanglish. The walk back to my dorm was the longest walk I've ever taken. After the movie, I was covered in the amazing emotion I've never felt before, I didn't know whether I was holding back tears, appreacating life more then I ever have before, or if I had just seen a really great movie. I think it was all three. This movie is nothing like what it was advertised to be. It was so deep, so emotional, and just the best movie I've seen in all my life. It moves a little slow, but I think it should. After this movie you will appreciate everything you have. It reinforces so many values you've learned throughout your life. You will have a much better sense of identity, you will love your family so much more, and you will never do anything to mess up something wonderful in your life. From a journalistic perspective, I can't tell you people to go see this movie, but even though I don't know many of you, as a friend, I can say you need to go see this movie. You will thank me later. This movie is so under appreaciated and you have to go see it. You will laugh and cry and feel better about yourself and your family then you ever have before. I love my life and all of you for stumbling upon my blog, please see this movie, Later Days.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Bush Justifying his Actions

I just watch about the first 25 minuets of Bush's latest speech. In this speech I got a very creepy vibe. He was trying to justify invading Iraq by saying countries that are being suppressed should be freed by us, the United States. I really don't think we should “help” these countries without them expressing a need to be helped. Countries have revolutions all the time when they are fed up with the government they are under. Revolutions are really cool things, some of the greatest countries have had them, Japan, Russia, France, and yes, even the United States. It seems to me that freedom would mean so much more when the citizens earned it for themselves and wasn't “liberated” by an outside force. Yes, Saddam Hussein was a very bad person, and yes, he deserved to be punished in some way, but shouldn't the people of Iraq of done it for themselves, just a thought. Bush just makes himself sound so creepy, it is as if he is saying things like, “They're getting freedom whether they what it or not!” It sounds really harsh, but if a country is being oppressed, they should get themselves out of oppression, if they need help, and ask for it, it is good for us to heed their request. But unless they ask for it, we shouldn't help. Also, in the 25 minuets I saw, Bush addressed the young voters, which translated into Uncle Sam pointing at me saying, “I Want You!” As corny as it sounds, I'm a lover, not a fighter, and if there is some way to settle matters without fighting, let's do it. This conflict, by the way, was nonexistent until Bush sent troops into Iraq. Iraq was doing nothing to us, he was treating his people horribly, but honestly, it wasn't our problem. They really needed to , at least try to help themselves before we stepped in. I know I'm getting rather ranty, but this issue deserves a good rant. Leave any comments you may have about this, if I may of missed something about his speech that cleared up any issues I discussed here. I did only see about 25 minuets of his speech. 'Til next time, Later Days.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Terry, with another segment of "Geek Talk"

Okay, I bet all of you are wondering where I've been the past week. I've been here the whole time, but I have a very believable excuse as to why I haven't been blogging. I've been settling in to college, I know, its lame, but very true. Anyway, I am going to get very geeky with you guys today, bear with my. As you know I'm a pretty huge comic fan. And, to be a comic fan right now is paradise. There is so much good stuff out there and I'd like to share a little of this with you so you can indulge into all of its comic goodness. That way, if you're not a comic fan I can plunge you down into the money pit that captures many a good fanboy, or if you're a comic fan, you probably already own all the comics I'm about to tell you about. The most interesting new on I've seen is probably X-23. This is about a female clone of Wolverine. This sounds really weird, but it is actually really awesome. Not only will we get to see a female having to cope with Wolverine issues, we will also go deeper into Wolverine's origin when we delve into her's. The next one that really intrigued me is called, "House of M." This is not out right now but it seems like its going to be pretty good. It is a book from Marvel that will "affect the Marvel Universe in Crisis-like proportions," as stated by Wizard Magazine. Although it is blasphemous for a comic fan to even consider people that don't know what Crisis is, I understand you're out there, Crisis is a DC series that sorta "fixed" all the problems their series had accumulated throughout the years. This is major for Marvel. This is supposed to focus on the X-Men and the Avengers, I'm really looking forward to it. Enough Marvel, now for some yummy DC goodness. As any good comic fan knows, a big event just happened to DC in the form of "Identity Crisis". This is a series where some of the families of some super heroes were whacked off. I realize this sounds in-sincere, but I am really just hiding the tears for the sake of my fictional friends in comic land. But anyway, it really affected all the heroes, also we found some skeletons in the closet of the Justice League. Anybody and everybody should read this series, it is probably the best comic mini-series I've ever read. But the reason it is so good now is all of the "Identity Crisis" backlash can be felt in the respective comics of the heroes. This is some really interesting plots I'm talkin' about. If anyone has ever considered jumping onto the comic wagon, now is the best time I could ever think of. I hope I've made comic fans out of some of you, Later Days.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hey There

Hey, I haven't seen you in a month, I hope you enjoyed my guest blogger, I did, and the break helped. I would love to tell you about my break but not much happened. Most days I slept until about 1:00 in the afternoon and preceded to stay at home and watch TV or surf the internet. I can't believe I didn't even try to read a book over the break. But anyway, I bet you guys are glad I didn't blog, you really would love to of heard something like:

So, I slept the day away and did nothing, how was your day, feel free to comment, Later Days.

Everyday of my break. But now I'm back at college and back to my blog. As far as the college part goes, it seems I'm really going to like my classes. As before, Mondays and Wednesdays are my learning days and Tuesdays and Thursdays are my fun days. I taking a class about Ancient Greek Theater, one about Theater in general, one about Japan, and a bunch of other stuff. As far as the blogging goes, well, you'll have to tell me how I'm doing. That's about it for now, I'll try to do something crazy so you have something interesting to read tomorrow. Later Days.

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