
Thursday, January 20, 2005

Bush Justifying his Actions

I just watch about the first 25 minuets of Bush's latest speech. In this speech I got a very creepy vibe. He was trying to justify invading Iraq by saying countries that are being suppressed should be freed by us, the United States. I really don't think we should “help” these countries without them expressing a need to be helped. Countries have revolutions all the time when they are fed up with the government they are under. Revolutions are really cool things, some of the greatest countries have had them, Japan, Russia, France, and yes, even the United States. It seems to me that freedom would mean so much more when the citizens earned it for themselves and wasn't “liberated” by an outside force. Yes, Saddam Hussein was a very bad person, and yes, he deserved to be punished in some way, but shouldn't the people of Iraq of done it for themselves, just a thought. Bush just makes himself sound so creepy, it is as if he is saying things like, “They're getting freedom whether they what it or not!” It sounds really harsh, but if a country is being oppressed, they should get themselves out of oppression, if they need help, and ask for it, it is good for us to heed their request. But unless they ask for it, we shouldn't help. Also, in the 25 minuets I saw, Bush addressed the young voters, which translated into Uncle Sam pointing at me saying, “I Want You!” As corny as it sounds, I'm a lover, not a fighter, and if there is some way to settle matters without fighting, let's do it. This conflict, by the way, was nonexistent until Bush sent troops into Iraq. Iraq was doing nothing to us, he was treating his people horribly, but honestly, it wasn't our problem. They really needed to , at least try to help themselves before we stepped in. I know I'm getting rather ranty, but this issue deserves a good rant. Leave any comments you may have about this, if I may of missed something about his speech that cleared up any issues I discussed here. I did only see about 25 minuets of his speech. 'Til next time, Later Days.

Too bad you only saw 25 minutes of it, Terry. Because, on the 26th minute, Bush's voice started to crack and then he sobbed, "I've been a . . . a bad person!"

Then the whole crowd went, "Aaawwwwwwwwwww, you haven't been a bad person . . . you've been a bad monkey, Curious George. A very bad monkey, indeed."

Then the man in the big yellow hat came to lead him away by the hand (or paw) and the four years+ of adventure and mischief had finally come to a end.

Then I woke up.
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