Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Terry, with another segment of "Geek Talk"
Okay, I bet all of you are wondering where I've been the past week. I've been here the whole time, but I have a very believable excuse as to why I haven't been blogging. I've been settling in to college, I know, its lame, but very true. Anyway, I am going to get very geeky with you guys today, bear with my. As you know I'm a pretty huge comic fan. And, to be a comic fan right now is paradise. There is so much good stuff out there and I'd like to share a little of this with you so you can indulge into all of its comic goodness. That way, if you're not a comic fan I can plunge you down into the money pit that captures many a good fanboy, or if you're a comic fan, you probably already own all the comics I'm about to tell you about. The most interesting new on I've seen is probably X-23. This is about a female clone of Wolverine. This sounds really weird, but it is actually really awesome. Not only will we get to see a female having to cope with Wolverine issues, we will also go deeper into Wolverine's origin when we delve into her's. The next one that really intrigued me is called, "House of M." This is not out right now but it seems like its going to be pretty good. It is a book from Marvel that will "affect the Marvel Universe in Crisis-like proportions," as stated by Wizard Magazine. Although it is blasphemous for a comic fan to even consider people that don't know what Crisis is, I understand you're out there, Crisis is a DC series that sorta "fixed" all the problems their series had accumulated throughout the years. This is major for Marvel. This is supposed to focus on the X-Men and the Avengers, I'm really looking forward to it. Enough Marvel, now for some yummy DC goodness. As any good comic fan knows, a big event just happened to DC in the form of "Identity Crisis". This is a series where some of the families of some super heroes were whacked off. I realize this sounds in-sincere, but I am really just hiding the tears for the sake of my fictional friends in comic land. But anyway, it really affected all the heroes, also we found some skeletons in the closet of the Justice League. Anybody and everybody should read this series, it is probably the best comic mini-series I've ever read. But the reason it is so good now is all of the "Identity Crisis" backlash can be felt in the respective comics of the heroes. This is some really interesting plots I'm talkin' about. If anyone has ever considered jumping onto the comic wagon, now is the best time I could ever think of. I hope I've made comic fans out of some of you, Later Days.
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