Monday, May 31, 2004
Okay, don't vote for me in that model site thing unless you are rich, I just registered myself to vote for myself, and five votes are $20. I would not ask someone to spend $20 so I could get $5 and maybe a modeling job if enough people do it. That would feel pointless. Sorry guys for wasting your time with it to begin with. BTW , I wanted to let you know that Kevin Rose was also at a Wedding last Friday, I read about it on his girlfriend's blog. I know mine was on Saturday, but it is still kinda weird that we both went to a Wedding that close together. We are so similar, Kevin and myself. If only I could meet him, we could be like brothers, brothers of technology. Later Days.
Hey, I went to a wedding yesterday. It was really pretty, I'll be sure to put a couple of pictures of it on my moblog. One of my high school friends(it feels so fun to say that, its like I'm already grown up!), named Courtney was the bride. It feels really weird to think that someone I went to high school with, joked around with, and considered on of my best friends, is married. I wonder how many more weddings I'll have to go to in my lifetime? I wonder who's next? Will it be me. . . . I don't think so, I think I still have quite a life ahead of me and I've barely started my journey. I hope so anyway. I still have to become a successful singer, songwriter, actor(television, movie, and theater), author, and well known TV personality on Tech TV before I settle down. What am I thinking?! BTW, I just entered myself in a model contest at I know what you're thinking, you never said anything about wanting to be a model, you're right, I don't want to be a model, I just want some quick cash which this website offers if you get more then 20 votes. I get $1 per vote. So, feel free to vote, vote as many times as you want, you just need to register again. Just go here to vote. Thanks a lot, Later Days.
Friday, May 21, 2004
Hey you guys. Today was a good day. I went to Senior Awards Night last night and was quite proud of myself. All together, counting scholarships and grants, I was awarded close to $10,000. That's right, I'm going to have over run, extra money for me! I had a show choir performance today, we performed for the rotary club(their like the big shots of the area). They seemed to enjoy us. I went to work later today, it wasn't too bad. I came home and got to see my sister and brother-in-law. A nice closer to a great day. Also, I've been trying a new work-out. It's called Tae Chi. It's like I'm working with my own Chi energy to exercise my mind and body. It is very relaxing. This would be my very first low impact work-out. I'm so used to Tae Bo or Dance Dance revolution, I want to do the moves so much faster. I thought it was easy until we got into the combinations, it is really hard to remember that many moves in a certain order and do them about three times. But anyway, Tae Chi is very relaxing and fun, you guys should give it a try. Later Days.
Monday, May 17, 2004
Hey all! I've had a pretty good day today, busy, but good. I had to get up early this morning, later then usual, but still early. Graduation practice was at 8:00 am. Like I said, later then usual, but still early. Then I went back home at about 10:00 am and my mom made me help her clean house, since my sister is coming back in pretty soon. At about 2:15 pm, I had to go back to school for band, we have a concert tomorrow. After band, I had Show Choir practice from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Then I had to go to work from about 5:30 pm to 6:20 pm, no I don't understand why I had to come in for less then an hour either, but that's life(at Wendy's). After work I went to Scouts until about 9:00 pm. Sheesh, I thought my life would be less busy after I got out of school, I was so wrong. Later Days.
Friday, May 14, 2004
Today is my last day of school forever. I don't quite know how I feel yet. I have this weird mix of emotions. I'm happy its all over, but I'm sad I won't see some of these people, while I am still very happy I won't be seeing some of these people again. You know how high school is, all the politics and drama just to have a simple conversation. I'm glad I may not see the front leading politicians of my school ever again. I know it is terrible to say, but I am really happy of it. Okay, I am an awful person, but I'm not ashamed. There has to be other people here who are glad their not seeing some of the other people here again, in fact I'd bet my entire life savings(about $200) that everyone here has at least one person their happy they may never see again. It is a part of life. We all meet people we don't like and when it looks like we don't have to deal with them anymore, we get filled with joy. Or maybe that's just me, oh well. I didn't need that $200 anyway. Later Days.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Hey you guys. Yesterday morning I woke up with a little bump on my bottom eye-lid. I thought nothing of it but thought it be better if I not wear my contact for the day. I did as I thought and went about my day as usual. Before bed last night I noticed my bump was quite a bit bigger then that morning. I almost had trouble seeing. The next morning(today) I decided not to go to school, I thought it be better if I could see my calculus final when I took it. I went to the doctor later that day. He told me it was a sty, from what people have been telling me, it is nothing to be worried about. My mom also took the liberty of scheduling me a hair appointment(even though I had planned on letting it grow over the summer to see what I'd look like with longer hair). I went the house of the lady who cuts my hair and am kinda satisfied with my new hairstyle. It is shorter then usual, a new style called "rock-a-Billy." When she told me that, I thought, "Great, since I like to style my clothes to match my hair, I'll have to catch up on my rock-a-Billy knowledge." Now that my day is nearing its end, I wonder what else can happen. I still need to finish my final homework assignments, but I hope that's all. Later Days.
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Today I was a judge for the S.T.A.G.E production next year. You guys would remember S.T.A.G.E. from when I was in a play late last year, in about November. In fact, I think I started my blog right around the time of the play. Today I think I realized I was never going to try out for a S.T.A.G.E. production ever again. As I sat behind the table, I really wished I would of made my last audition more memorable. It is really just a blur now that I am struggling to recall the day. Nope, nothing. Its weird, I really think I should remember my last audition, I guess I don't remember it because I have so many more auditions ahead of me. Anyway, it was really fun to be on the other side. I felt important when we went back to one of the head people's house and discussed who should get what part. I think I'll try to make it in to do this every year. It really was a lot of fun. As I was saying earlier, I do hope I have a lot of auditions ahead of me. If I don't, I'll have to punish myself. I love to sing and act, if I don't try to pursue that even a little, or at least do it as a hobby in college, I'll really have to hurt myself. If in about a year's time I haven't blogged about any audition, be sure to e-mail me and let me know. I do want to be an entertainer, I'm going to have to repeat that everyday until I hear about the first audition up at Marshall. I should be into theater up there, that's one of the reasons I chose Marshall. I knew I have went there to see some plays before. I'll be sure to keep you posted about if I get a part ever, you can come see me. I'd like that. All of you, even you Digital Angel, just because you live in the Netherlands doesn't mean you can't come support an fellow blogger. Later Days.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Hey, sorry I haven't blogged for a while, I've had a lot of stuff going on, no, really. Last week I had all-area band, work, and a bunch of show choir practices to get ready for our performance which was monday. This week I've had the previous mentioned performance, my band banquet, and today and tomorrow is all-county band. Today I really don't have enough time to blog, but I'm going to make time for all of you. I really think I'm addicted to blogging, because I know there really isn't a lot of people reading this, I just like to blog. Don't ask me why, but I really enjoy putting my random thoughts and rants here. I wonder why I never kept a journal? Okay, good news, I have a camera phone now. The first day I had it I took a bunch of random moblog pictures, tried to send them to it, and they didn't send. I have recently deleted all of my random ones off, but I still called them yesterday. Alltel, my service provider, told me I had to get text and picture messenging. I did and now I can moblog. Yea me! So, if you'd notice, there is now a link to my moblog at the top of the links list, feel free to visit. You may find out even more about me. Right now my friend Sam, my grandma's puppy, my sister Betty, and my Harry Potter blanket are there. Comment as much as you like to them. It only makes me feel better to know that there are really people who care about my everyday life. Later Days.