Monday, May 17, 2004
Hey all! I've had a pretty good day today, busy, but good. I had to get up early this morning, later then usual, but still early. Graduation practice was at 8:00 am. Like I said, later then usual, but still early. Then I went back home at about 10:00 am and my mom made me help her clean house, since my sister is coming back in pretty soon. At about 2:15 pm, I had to go back to school for band, we have a concert tomorrow. After band, I had Show Choir practice from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Then I had to go to work from about 5:30 pm to 6:20 pm, no I don't understand why I had to come in for less then an hour either, but that's life(at Wendy's). After work I went to Scouts until about 9:00 pm. Sheesh, I thought my life would be less busy after I got out of school, I was so wrong. Later Days.
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