Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Today I was a judge for the S.T.A.G.E production next year. You guys would remember S.T.A.G.E. from when I was in a play late last year, in about November. In fact, I think I started my blog right around the time of the play. Today I think I realized I was never going to try out for a S.T.A.G.E. production ever again. As I sat behind the table, I really wished I would of made my last audition more memorable. It is really just a blur now that I am struggling to recall the day. Nope, nothing. Its weird, I really think I should remember my last audition, I guess I don't remember it because I have so many more auditions ahead of me. Anyway, it was really fun to be on the other side. I felt important when we went back to one of the head people's house and discussed who should get what part. I think I'll try to make it in to do this every year. It really was a lot of fun. As I was saying earlier, I do hope I have a lot of auditions ahead of me. If I don't, I'll have to punish myself. I love to sing and act, if I don't try to pursue that even a little, or at least do it as a hobby in college, I'll really have to hurt myself. If in about a year's time I haven't blogged about any audition, be sure to e-mail me and let me know. I do want to be an entertainer, I'm going to have to repeat that everyday until I hear about the first audition up at Marshall. I should be into theater up there, that's one of the reasons I chose Marshall. I knew I have went there to see some plays before. I'll be sure to keep you posted about if I get a part ever, you can come see me. I'd like that. All of you, even you Digital Angel, just because you live in the Netherlands doesn't mean you can't come support an fellow blogger. Later Days.
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