Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Sorry I haven't blogged for a few days. I have a good reason though, I get to that later. First I have several things I wish to discuss, and by several I mean three. First of all, I received a letter from the Marshall Residence Department, I know where I'm staying and who my roommate is. I am going to live in Twin Tower East. I'm gonna live on the S.A.F.E. floor of the building, that means no smoking basically. I really didn't want a roommate that smoked, that's why I chose that one. My roommate's name is Kevin. I've searched for him on ICQ and looked at his website, he seems like a pretty good guy. I looking really forward to college now. Secondly, if any of you pay attention to my comments section of my blog, my "friend" has declared war on my blog. You may know her as Rachael D., but I know her as Rachael D. D., she is a little tiffed at me because I called her blog a spin-off. I only said that because she wouldn't have known about blogging unless I'd have told her about it. It's pretty simple really, if I'm have a hand in her blog's creation, I feel I have a right to call it a spin-off. Are ya' with me, "El Revolutìon!" Okay, now that that has been said, I can get to why I haven't been blogging for a few days. I bought adisposablee camera a couple days ago. I started taking pictures of random things, andrealizedd that I was taking pictures that someone would put on their moblog. For those of you who don't now what a moblog is, its a bunch of pictures that someone took in a day's time. It all started with the camera phone revolution. Anyway, I decided that I would just take up all the picture in this matter and post them here, like a moblog entry on a normal blog. It would make up for not blogging for a few days. I gave in however, because here I am, spilling my life to you good people. So there you have it, my room arrangements, my trouble with war, and why I haven' t been blogging for a couple of days. Later Days.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
Okay, I didn't make it to finals in After Dinner, I really don't mind. I never come to these things expecting to win. I happy that I made it to semi-finals. Now I can kill time, blog, listen to music, read, and all kinds of other fun stuff people do to kill time. I found a trail here. I hiked for about a mile. I guess it was a mile, they had markers, .25, .5, .75, but there was no marker at the end. Either the trail was a mile and I was supposed to know that ahead of time, or they only want you to think its a mile. I was kinda disappointed, I was really looking forward to seeing the marker that said, 1. I really like hiking on trails. I don't like walking a track or just going through the forest. If I walk a track, it seems pointless, I feel like I'm going in circles(probably because I am) and if I walk through a forest, I get a little wary. I'm not the best with maps or compasses(even though I'm a Boy Scout) and I am really scared of getting lost. I don't feel like sitting in the middle of a forest blowing S.O.S in Morse code on my whistle. Why don't you guys tell me how you exercise. I do in a couple of ways, first the walky thing, then there the dance game. Til' next time, Later Days.
Here I am again, two posts in one day. I semi-finaled in After Dinner. Finals are going to be posted any time now. I keep you posted. Later Days.
Hey you guys. I've been having a lot of fun at this tournament. I've made several new friends and am doing pretty good. I don't know if I semi-finaled yet, I'll let you know when I find out. I don't know why I pick to topics I do for impromptu, Last round I picked Tiger Woods. I'm not a huge golf fan, in fact, I've never even watched a game. I gave a pretty solid speech, I do know who he is, I haven't been living under a rock, but why did I pick him for a topic. I could've did a speech on Arnold Schwarzenegger, I know stuff about him, I've even watched a few of his movies. Why Tiger Woods? Later Days.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Okay, my cousin can't judge, she doesn't have anyone to babysit her son. What a reason to not come with me. Me, a second cousin-in-law, should come before her own blood and flesh any day. I'm glad you agree with me. Anyway, I don't think my forensics coach really minds, it just means that she'll have to judge. No big deal. Today I read a new chat from Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling. I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series and am really looking forward to the next book. In this chat she discussed the next book among other things. Some of the questions she was asked were "If you could be one of your characters who would it be?", "What did mean and will it mean anything in the next book", and the one that caught my attention, "What power would you want?" This being said let me remind you of an earlier post. About a week ago I told you my favorite T.V. shows. Probably my favorite all together is "Charmed." This being said, I also described the sisters powers to you. When I'm asked what power I would want, I can't help but think back to "Charmed." Also, when I'm asked what power I would want, I think of powers in little bundles, as on "Charmed." i.e. Paige can orb(teleport), shape shift, and move objects with her mind. I don't think of any one power, I would want several. To make it easier for us all, I will go ahead and tell you the power bundle I would want. I want Pagie's powers. Do you realize how much time I would save if I could orb. I wouldn't have to worry about when I can get my driver's license, because I could orb anywhere I wanted to go. The shape shifting would be fun, too. It wouldn't be extremely practical, but I could really get a kick out of making my self look like someone else. Now, the moving objects with my mind thing would just top off the mighty powerful cake quite nicely. It would just make life simpler if when I needed something I could just call its name and its in my hand. If I realize I'm out of paper and see that my neighbor has some but I really don't feel like asking for some, I could just hold my hand, palm up on top of my notes, whisper "paper" and I've just "borrowed" some paper without the hassle of asking. Hey you guys, I want to know what power or power bundle you would love to have, too. Comment or e-mail. Later Days.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Hey you guys. I'm going to the State Forensics Tournament this weekend. My cousin-in-law is supposed to judge and I just asked them if they would today. I know that I shouldn't of waited until today, but I haven't had time. I've been busy being sick and we all know that that's a hard job. She said that she should be able and maybe her husband(the cousin by blood) may go, too. That really makes me happy, I love being around both of them. They are really into all this pioneer stuff. I want to get into that stuff after I graduate. It is just fun to live like they did, away from modern technology. No T.V., no stereo, no telephone, no blog, wait a minute, that sounds like torture. I still like it though, is that weird, yes, is it me, yes. So, wish me luck in my future adventures. Forensics, college, music career, pioneer days, and beyond. Later Days.
Monday, March 22, 2004
Hi. My brother bought a used Grand Am today. I'm happy for him, but I'd really like to know when I'll be able to get my driver's license. My mom tells me that she doesn't think that I'm old enough to drive yet. She's says she will be worried about me. I can't understand it, I've been 17 for almost a year now(at which point I'll no longer be 17) and she still doesn't think I'm old enough to trust with a large metal death machine. I refuse to believe that the American government would set the legal driving age at 16 if they didn't think that 16 year olds were responsible enough to operate a car. I'm happy my mom worries about me, it only means she cares, but sometimes I wish she would care just a little less sometimes. Is that bad? Feel free to give me your opinion. Later Days.
Hey again. I think I may be over my addiction, my headaches have been a lot less intense. Maybe I can beat this thing. That is of course until I start drinking soda again in a couple of weeks. At which point I can rely on caffeine as much as I want, who's to stop me. Later Days.
Saturday, March 20, 2004
Hey you guys. I haven't blogged for a while because I've been kinda sick. I've been having this bad headache recently. I think I may know why. Ash Wednesday passed a little over three weeks ago. My show choir director told me that a tradition of Ash Wednesday is to give up something for 40 days to better yourself. For example, the Catholics don't eat meat. I decided I'd do that this year. Since Ash Wednesday 2004, I haven't drank any type of soda. This will better me because I may not be as dependent on my caffeine addiction and I may also lose some weight. I didn't think it'd be this hard, its not like I'm trying to quit something, I'm going to start drinking soda again on Passover. The first week went pretty smoothly, I thought it all would be like that. The second week, I had slight feelings of wanting a drink of coke when my mom was sitting in front of me drinking it while all I had in front of me was water. This week, I've been having urges of want to snatch away any kind of soda from anyone who may be drinking it at the time. To top it all off, I think this headache may be from my caffeine cravings. The things I do for tradition. BTW, I went to see Othello(which I didn't have to tell you if you read the spin-off of this site Tales of the Obsessive-Compulsive Vegetarian). It was put on by an amazing British acting troupe. I was absolutely stupified by their performance. It was all so pretty. The way the set looked, the way they moved, the way they talked, all of it was just beautiful. I wanted to applaud after every line, just because I loved the delivery of it, they were truly a sight to behold. Later Days.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Hey, sorry I haven't blogged for a couple of days. I was kinda busy. Monday I had Jazz Band and Scouts and yesterday I had Show Choir in the evening, my normal blogging time. If you're wondering why I'm blogging at 11:30, a time when I should be in school. I'm blogging at school. My friends aren't in their normal lunch spot and I really don't feel like looking for them. I got some news for ya'. I received my letter from Marshall music department about my acceptance. I didn't make it. I'm really not that disappointed though, its not the first audition I've failed at and it probably won't be the last. I'm not giving up my dream and I'm not letting this bother me. I can always try again next year when I've had a year of college music training. I'll make it next year, just wait and see. I'll be sure to let you know when it happens. That's about all I have to say today, I probably won't blog tonight, I've gotta work. Later Days.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Hi. How ya' doin'. I'm doin' pretty good. There was going to be a church group coming to a local church today and I was planning to go see them. I called in to work so I could go even. My mom decided that we weren't going, after I'd already called in, and ya' know what, I'm not incredibly crushed that I pretty much called in to work for nothing. Is that wrong, I hope not. Later Days.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Hey you guys. I was hoping I'd receive the results from my audition today, its been seven business days and they said it's take seven to ten. I didn't get it if you didn't already guess. Instead, I got a letter from Concord College telling me that if I wanted to go there, I'd have to send them an application. Although I already knew that, I don't want to go there. They've sent me five applications, you'd think they'd get the point by now, wouldn't you? They're not the only ones though. Every college within 100 miles have sent me applications, brochures, and other things to try to convince me to go there. Its like I have this huge target on me. I understand that I'm a senior and they want to keep their school going by getting as many people as they can to go there, but can't they stop once I've made my decision. At least if you're hunting and one person shoots a deer, nobody else shoots it. Its like I've already been shot and they keep shooting to see who can make the most holes. I wish Marshall could just yell, "Okay guys, we got 'em, you can quit now." They're not going to do that for me though, I'm just going to keep getting stuff till I graduate. Even after that, I'm going to get stuff from the military, they don't know when to give up. I'm tempt to just send on back for the free duffel bag or something. The only problem is that once they think I'm interested, I'll never see the end of it. I thought spam was bad, now I know that junk snail-mail is so much worse. Til' next time, Later Days.
Friday, March 12, 2004
Hey. I have been to the dentist three times in two months. How sad is that? Its because I'm going to have to get my wisdom teeth out soon and I had to set up my appointment. Fun times, let me tell ya'. I'm sitting in English 101 blogging because my teacher isn't here today and we're supposed to read Othello. I can't even begin to understand it. I normally don't mind Shakespeare, but this one is pretty bad. I any of you have read it, feel free to e-mail me a summary of the first scene. Sorry, this post is pretty bad, I'll try better next time. Later Days.
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Hey again. Today I was trying to download a song. That's right, I'm one of those evil people that download music for my personal gain. The thing is, I don't see how I download as wrong. I only download a song as a sample of how the CD will be. I don't want to buy a CD that I've heard about and not like it. That's $13 of my money that I could spend on something I actually like. Most of the time when I download music I have the full intention of buying the song. Like this time for example, I heard about this song, Hands Down. I searched for it on KaZaa and found it. I have never heard this song by the actual artists, one of my friends played it and sang it for me. I kinda liked it, but I don't know if the real artists are any good. So, I decided to download it to test it out. I downloaded a copy and played it, it sounded good for all of about 35 seconds. After which time it made this nasty sound of fingernails being run up and down a chalkboard about a 100 times a second. It was really nasty. If I'd let it play for about a minute of that, I could continue the song, but who wants to alternate between a song, a nasty sound, then back to the song. I'd heard about fakes that the record companies put out to frustrate people and discourage them from downloading. I tell ya', it is frustrating. I'm about to just buy the CD and give up downloading it. The only problem, the records companies would win. I'm going to keep trying, just so I can win. Take that RIAA. You have not won yet. Later Days.
Okay, I was sick yesterday, so that's why I didn't blog. Today however, I'm going to try and make it up by giving you another long post. Since my day wasn't very eventful yesterday, other then me getting my new glasses(yay), I'm going tell you about the shows I like. I don't watch an incredible lot of TV, but the TV I watch, I make count. There are about six shows I really like. Probably may favorite show is Charmed. Charmed is a show about three witches who have to protect the world from evil in the form of demons, warlocks, and other such nasties. Each sister has her own set of powers they use against the evil beings. The oldest, Piper, has the power to freeze time and blow things up. The middle sister, phoebe, has the powers to see the future, levitate, and feel people's emotions(empath power). The youngest sister, Paige, has the power to teleport from place to place(orb) and move object with her mind. It is a great show because it has the action element and the family value elements. The next show that I would classify with Charmed, is Angel. This show is a spin-off of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer. Angel is a vampire with a soul and is trying to redeem himself for all of his past crimes. The show is based around Angel and his friends trying to stop evil, and the social aspect of Angel's friends himself. Because there is no way to segue from the supernatural to Disney cartoons, I'm just gonna take a jump. My favorite Disney cartoon is Kim Possible. She is a very talented cheerleader that can "do anything." She fights her arch foes to make the world a safer place for her to go to high school. The next Disney show I watch often is Dave the Barbarian. This show is about a rag tag team of heros that just wants to protect their kingdom while their parents are away. It is more of a comedy then a Action, the first comedy in this list. The other two shows I watch are more of categories, I watch several shows that are very similar and don't feel like listing them all. The first category is Tech TV. This is more of a channel then a category, but I like just about every show on this channel. There are tech variety shows, gaming shows, new innovative shows(like Invent This!) and so much more. The final category of shows I watch is Anime. That is Japanese animation. I watch and enjoy just any kind of Anime I can get a hold of. Animes I watch are Inuyasha, the Dragon Ball series, Dual, Witch Hunter Robin, Hamtaro, the Gundam series, Lupin the III, Crest of the Stars, Banner of the Stars, Blue Seed, Sailor Moon, and many, many more. If you can't tell, I really enjoy Anime. It is one of my favorite things to watch. And that's my TV habits. I really need to start having eventful days, these lists about me are tiring. Again, feel free to comment or e-mail me about your favorite shows and opinions on my favorite shows. Later Days.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Hi there. I'm trying to get back into the groove of blogging everyday. I really enjoy spilling my life story day by day to you fine people, its fun. My day today wasn't very interesting, so instead of telling you about my day, I'll talk about something else that you may or may not find interesting, my taste in music. I like many kinds of music. I'll listen to about anything, but I may not like what I'm listening to. To explain why I said that, there is barely anything music that I'm like, "Turn it off, turn it off!" I don't really have a favorite band, but rather a few favorites. My first favorite band is Nickel Creek, their like a bluegrass band with slight punk elements. I have all their CDs up to date and await their next installment. My next favorite band is probably Maroon 5. They have a different kind of music. I think I like them because, ya' know how my generation went through that stage in middle school when everyone liked Britney and N*sync, well I went through that too, I just grew out of it thankfully. Maroon 5 sounds a lot like a more hardcore N*sync. Their kinda like an N*sync that you're not ashamed to say you listen to. Another favorite band of mine are The Pillows. As I told you earlier, their a Japanese punk band. Half the time I have no clue what they're saying, but its fun to listen to anyway. Like I said yesterday, I really like Good Charlotte, if you guys don't know who Good Charlotte is, you better crawl out of that rock before you miss out on too much. A couple of other punk bands that I listen to are MXPX and Relient K, they are both really good punk bands, they're just fun to listen to. One more band that I really enjoy listening to is BB Mak. They are kinda like a British pop band. The main reason I can separate them from regular boy bands is that they're the ones that play their own instruments and write their own songs. To get out of the band list, I do like a few solo artists. My favorite solo artist is Hillary Duff. No, its not just because I have a celebrity crush on her, I honestly like her music. It is different then anything I've ever listened to before. The things she says seem so genuine, she has such a sweet voice that you have to love everything she says. Her music has Michelle Branch or Vanessa Carlton feel, but she really has gotten a sound of her own. Another solo artist I like is Jennifer Hanson. She is a country artist who reminds me of Sheryl Crow. She has a her own kind of music, even though she is considered country. Probably the final on this favorites list is Brad Paisley. He is a country artist from my home state of West Virginia. He is really good. He writes songs from the heart. He has really put a breath of fresh air into today's starving country scene. If you have any opinions about these artists, feel free to comment or e-mail me. Tell me some of your favorite bands, too, I'm listening. Later Days.
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Hey you guys, sorry about not blogging for like, a week. My sister was in and blogging was kinda my last priority. I never told you I have a sister, have I. Her name is Betty. She lives in Florida, with her husband, Cruz. She lived with me here for about four or five years. I love her to death. She works with a photography company as a field trainer. She came here with her job, she had to work, but she stayed with us. It was fun. She was the first thing that filled up my week, the second thing was my audition to the Marshall University music department. I tried out yesterday. I practice the whole week to be ready, I think I was. I sang three songs, the first was called "Cockles and mussels," it was an Irish folk song about a girl who was a fish monger and died of a disease, the second song was "High Barbaree," it was a sailing song about a war on the Barbaree coast, the last song was "Parting," an Italian folk song(in Italian), it was very sad, I think, I don't speak Italian. I also tried out for their marching band, the Marching Thunder. I made it for sure. It seems fun. I really hope I get to be a music major next year, it will make me happy. At least I will be in the marching band. Their getting new uniforms next year, probably because of me. Yesterday evening, I went to the mall. My sister got us some portraits made really cheap with her employee discount, then we went shopping. I bought a new belt, it looks pretty punk, I really like it. I also bought a Marshall hoody, a Marshall jacket, a sweatshirt, and a Good Charlotte CD. I really like Good Charlotte, I didn't know if I'd like the whole CD, but I really, really do. They are really good and their songs come from the heart. Way-a-go Good Charlotte, don't go changin', keep doin' what your doin'. Later Days.