Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Hey again. Today I was trying to download a song. That's right, I'm one of those evil people that download music for my personal gain. The thing is, I don't see how I download as wrong. I only download a song as a sample of how the CD will be. I don't want to buy a CD that I've heard about and not like it. That's $13 of my money that I could spend on something I actually like. Most of the time when I download music I have the full intention of buying the song. Like this time for example, I heard about this song, Hands Down. I searched for it on KaZaa and found it. I have never heard this song by the actual artists, one of my friends played it and sang it for me. I kinda liked it, but I don't know if the real artists are any good. So, I decided to download it to test it out. I downloaded a copy and played it, it sounded good for all of about 35 seconds. After which time it made this nasty sound of fingernails being run up and down a chalkboard about a 100 times a second. It was really nasty. If I'd let it play for about a minute of that, I could continue the song, but who wants to alternate between a song, a nasty sound, then back to the song. I'd heard about fakes that the record companies put out to frustrate people and discourage them from downloading. I tell ya', it is frustrating. I'm about to just buy the CD and give up downloading it. The only problem, the records companies would win. I'm going to keep trying, just so I can win. Take that RIAA. You have not won yet. Later Days.
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