
Saturday, March 20, 2004

Hey you guys. I haven't blogged for a while because I've been kinda sick. I've been having this bad headache recently. I think I may know why. Ash Wednesday passed a little over three weeks ago. My show choir director told me that a tradition of Ash Wednesday is to give up something for 40 days to better yourself. For example, the Catholics don't eat meat. I decided I'd do that this year. Since Ash Wednesday 2004, I haven't drank any type of soda. This will better me because I may not be as dependent on my caffeine addiction and I may also lose some weight. I didn't think it'd be this hard, its not like I'm trying to quit something, I'm going to start drinking soda again on Passover. The first week went pretty smoothly, I thought it all would be like that. The second week, I had slight feelings of wanting a drink of coke when my mom was sitting in front of me drinking it while all I had in front of me was water. This week, I've been having urges of want to snatch away any kind of soda from anyone who may be drinking it at the time. To top it all off, I think this headache may be from my caffeine cravings. The things I do for tradition. BTW, I went to see Othello(which I didn't have to tell you if you read the spin-off of this site Tales of the Obsessive-Compulsive Vegetarian). It was put on by an amazing British acting troupe. I was absolutely stupified by their performance. It was all so pretty. The way the set looked, the way they moved, the way they talked, all of it was just beautiful. I wanted to applaud after every line, just because I loved the delivery of it, they were truly a sight to behold. Later Days.

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