Monday, October 31, 2005
Stephen Lynch
Okay, so I've been neglecting all of you for a very long time now, but it has only been a little over a month, so come on now. In case you're wondering what my policy is as to how often I update my blog now, its pretty simple, I read a few celebrity blogs, and I notice how often they update. The fact is, celebrities don't update their blogs all that often, and if I want any hope of one day being a celebrity, I have to follow in their example, right? I thought so. So, here's my post:
Today was a really fun day. First off, Happy Halloween everybody, its a cool day for all. Second, I interviewed Stephen Lynch, for those of you who do not know who Stephen Lynch is, go away, I don't want readers who know so little about me they don't even know who Stephen Lynch is. I mean really, I'm of course kidding, I love all my readers, but he is a pretty famous comedian that sings his material. He is really funny and you all should listen to him, I won't say you'd be a better person for it, however, because I'd be lying through my teeth. But, yeah, I got to interview one of my idols. He's like a name I can cross off my list of people to interview before I have no career. The interview went pretty good, I maintained composure, even though the whole time "OMG!!! I'm talking to Stephen Lynch" was running through my mind. I'm still not over it, I can't believe I actually talked to him, had a conversion and everything, I'm still excited and it has been a couple of hours. I feel like I've been dreaming. I get that Lewis Black is probably a bigger celebrity overall and I've already interviewed him, but Stephen Lynch is someone I've been a fan of for a while now, his picture is on my wall, I literally love him, that's all I have to say. Be sure to tune in next monthish for more tales from a G-List Celebrity. Later Days.
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