Friday, April 01, 2005
It's April Fools Day!
I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of April Fools Day. As most of you know, I prefer to make fun of credible holidays, like Thanksgiving. Heck, I once composed a stand-up routine in which I made fun of all the winter holidays. As you can tell, I don't need a special holiday to tell me when it is okay of mess with people, I would rather do it every other day of the year. However, I was considering playing an April Fools joke on my employers at work study and not show up, but I don't think they'd get it. I never really know what qualifies as a April Fools joke, if you joke with people on a daily basis, are you supposed to do something extravagant on the Day of the jesters? Ya' know, something huge, like kill somebody. I could always go the next step in my Hilary Duff fandom and physically stalk her for a day, she'd think its funny, she has a good sense of humor, right? I'm sure I'd be the first one to express my love for her in that way, if you don't believe me, why didn't we hear about anybody else stalking Ms. Duff. That's right, creative Terry knows how to get her attention. Now I'm confused of the rules again, am I supposed to say I'm kidding to avoid being taken to court or do I simply assume you all know I'm kidding because its April Fools Day. I'm thinkin' I'll go ahead and tell you, since many of you would not put this past me. Sorry Hil', you know I love you, I wouldn't stalk you. Speaking of Hilary, she's going to be on "The View" April 4th through the 8th, believe it or not. I honestly can not. I'm glad for Hilary, it will make her look like a more established person, since "The View" actually talks about stuff intelligently, but I'm worried the regular watchers of the show will not welcome her with such open arms as I would. I will say that I'm going to be watching those four episodes, and you should too. This will no doubt be some "interesting" television to say the least. This is not an April Fools Joke, Hilary will really be on "The View", I promise. Later Days.
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