
Friday, December 17, 2004

Have Yourselves a Merry Little Christmas

I know you are all thinking this is kinda early to be wishing you a Merry Christmas, but this may be the last time I communicate with you until I go back to school on January 10. I've realized that when I blog over the break, my posts are spread much further apart and they are less inspired. I guess when I am at school I go out and make life experiences on my own terms and when I'm home and my life is more on my families terms, my life is not near as exciting. My life isn't my own when I'm home, don't get me wrong I love my family, but very little I do goes un-noticed, while I can do almost anything I want at college. I have had some holiday fun over the past few days, however, my grandma and I made gingerbread cookies, we made men, Christmas trees, Santas, and Holly. It was really fun, I wonder why we never did it before, we really should make it an annual thing, it gets you into the spirit. I am really looking forward to the holidays and being home, but I'm also looking forward to going back to school. I will address you guys again after the holidays and don't worry, I'm not abandoning you, I'm leaving you with my friend, Rachael. She is a former blogger and you're in good hands. Also, don't think for a second that I won't pop in if I see a great movie or listen to some great music I can tell you about and review for you. Til' then, Later Days.

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