
Thursday, December 09, 2004

Blade: Trinity

Hey everyone, I went to see the new Blade movie last night and it was really good. Now, I've never really read a Blade comic, so I can't say how accurate it was to the already established universe, but I have watched the other movies. I would say it is the best of the three. This third installment introduced a new element to the Blade universe, comic relief. This is something the other movies lacked. The element was executed in the form of a character named Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds). This is probably the best thing about the movie, it has more then non-stop action to it. It has certain elements when it seems like it is more then just a run-of-the-mill action movie. There are some touching moments with Blade, some witty rhetoric between Hannibal and the villains, a horror moment with a little girl named Zoe (Haili Page), and of course some really cool fighting scenes. Jessica Biel's character, Abigail, seemed almost pointless. She fought well and helped Blade out many times, but the only element she contributed to the story was the fact she was Whistler's daughter. When you have a talent like Jessica Biel, you should give her more then a handful of lines. The whole Dracula thing seemed confusing, but as a whole, it was a good movie. If you are looking for a little action over your Christmas break, "Blade: Trinity" will give it to you. Later Days.

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