Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Thanksgiving week is here. All of you did know Thanksgiving was a week long celebration, didn't you? It was started by the pilgrims and Indians in desperate times. The tradition for Thanksgiving is you eat a piece of the Thanksgiving Turkey everyday of Thanksgiving. I know what you're thinking, doesn't the turkey get nasty by the end of the week, and yes, it does, but that's how the pilgrims would of wanted it. Let me take this excerpt from, "Terry's Messed Up Mind" to demonstrate why this is so:
Squanto: You need to eat your week old turkey, John Smith.
John Smith: I ain't eatin' no week old turkey, its nasty.
Squanto: You listen here, you little son of a pilgrim, you're eatin' your week old turkey, I know its nasty, but if you don't, you gonna die.
[John Smith walks away, towards the turkey]
Squanto: That's what I thought!
And that's the story of Thanksgiving. All kidding aside, Thanksgiving is a great time of year. I can get together with my family, and for a college student whose eaten nothing but cafeteria food for a long time, eating a big meal involving turkey is like Christmas. To let you guys know, I may or may not be blogging over the holiday. Of course you can come check and read this awesome post over and over again, but then my brilliance may get annoying, I know, I live with this genius inside of me everyday. I'm just telling you so I don't look like a bad blogger who has abandoned his baby. But anyway, all of you have a great Thanksgiving week, and save that last piece of the Thanksgiving turkey for me, I love it when the bugs are crawling on it.
disclaimer: Sorry to anyone I may of offended, I'm happy Thanksgiving is a non-religious holiday, which cuts the offended numbers in half. Also, there is no book entitled, "Terry's Messed Up Mind," but if there are any publishers out there, I wouldn't mind having a book deal. Oh, and since I forgot to say it up there, Later Days.
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