
Monday, November 01, 2004


After I've joined Blog Explosion I learned that a ton of blogs concerned the elections and the presidential candidates. I tried to stay away from addressing this issue, so I could be more original, but if I avoid it completely, then I'm not really doing my job as a blogger. If I think about the elections through out the day, I should tell you about my opinion. Since all you know about my political standing is I'm a democrat, I'll proceed to tell you why I support John Kerry in this election. First off, I don't want Bush in office another four years. I, like many other Americans, was very impressed that Bush was there on 9/11 to unite American, but just about all of his speeches are prepared, almost like Bush is only a figure-head. At a time like 9/11 anyone could of united America, we wanted someone to tell us what we were supposed to do, we didn't know. So Bush's prepared speech told us to stand together. When he sent soldiers into Afghanistan, we stood behind him. We knew that terrorists, like Osama Bin Laden, were in Afghanistan. Then Bush decided to send our troops into Iraq, a place where none of the terrorists involved in 9/11 resided. We went to Iraq for no reason, we didn't need to go there, but now that we are, we have to get out. I don't know about you guys, but I'd prefer to have someone else try to get us out. Also, the whole gay marriage issue put me on the democratic side of things. It seems weird to me that Bush talks about how we are guaranteed freedom, but then he says we need a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, thus limiting one culture group's freedom. People say they can't understand Kerry's point of view on this, but it is very similar to my own. As far as my opinion, I've grown up in the Church of Christ and I know that Gay Marriage is not supported by the Bible, but as a country, we don't have the right to take the unity of marriage away from the homosexual community. That is kinda how Kerry feels, just not in so many words. Everything Bush says about gay marriage is based on Church and our country is based on separation of church and state. I know people call Kerry a flip-flop, but most of America was. Everyone who is now against the war was a flip-flop. When Bush talked about how we needed to go to war, he was very convincing. As much as I'm against war, I believed him. Then, when we invaded Iraq, I flip-flopped, I decided we didn't need to go to war if that was where it was leading us. Tell me what you think about all this you guys. I wanna know. Later Days.

I have a similar post on my blog.

Why I'm voting for KerryWhy I'm NOT voting for BushThe links are
just in case the hyperlinks didn't work

Just a quick note about separation of church and state - our country was NOT founded with that provision. That phrase is not in the Constitution, nor the Declaration of Independence. It also does not appear in any amendments to the Constitution. The phrase comes from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to a church that was worried about it's freedoms as the nation was forming it's policies. In the letter, Jefferson stated that the new nation would not FORCE it's people to belong to a specific religion (much like the Church of England did back then and in preceding centuries) but allow them the freedom to follow the religion of their choice. THAT'S how he used the expression "separation of church and state".

So you feel its okay for Christians to not allow gays to marry just because it may not exactly be in the constution that we have to seperate church and state?
Just because the phrase "separation of church and state" doesn't appear in those documents doesn't mean that it was a bad idea.
I mean, not that you were saying that it was, but . . . I guess we all know something new now.
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