
Friday, October 01, 2004

Terry, Young Democrat

I know I promised you all that I would have more free time during college and that I'd be able to blog more. I've done it again, I've made myself so busy I can only blog a couple times a week max, sorry everybody. Anyway, getting back to the point of this entry, I've become not only a member of the young democrats, but also the dorm captain for the building I live in. "Why?" you ask, me too. I realize it will look good on resume to say I was a dorm captain for the young democrats, but heck, I'd like some time for me, college is stressful enough without things like being a radio reporter and a Kerry supporter(and yes, I do understand that to support Kerry I don't have to be a dorm captain). But I do think that if Kerry does win in November and I had something to do with, that will feel really fulfilling. Maybe that's why I joined them, or I just want a good job after college, either way. Later Days.

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