
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Blog Etiquette

As many of you are probably aware, since this is how you got here, about a week ago I signed up for Blog Explosion. Because of this I'm getting a lot more traffic and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm used to doing whatever I want on here, but now I have a chance of creating regulars. Now, I think my concern should be more on my readers and not so much on me. So, I'd like your help, since most of you are also fellow bloggers. If I make a post I'm really proud of and would like a lot of people to read, do I keep it up for a week so everyone has a chance to read it, or do I go ahead and post something on top of it the next day just to keep the momentum going. I mean, I know that if I make a post that's pretty crapy, I'll hurry up and post enough posts to cover it up, without being obvious, but my good posts is what I'm really concerned about. Let me know what you think, e-mail me or just comment on here. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for any advice, Later Days.

You just have to post what you want when you want, that is the purpose of the blog. If you have something to say then post it, don't worry about the post from the day before. If people like what you have to say then they will read everything since the last visit anyway.

http://martin.eclecticblogs.ca and http://blogs.blogosphere.ca/sportsguru
Hey don't sweat it and be yourself.

I'm not yet convinced that the increased traffic is "quality" traffic... I think an awful lot of people stick around for 30 seconds and then move on. Frankly that kind of traffic isn't worth having.

Don't worry too much about your audience and write about what you want to write about.

And if you do that, then people like me will stumble across you and stick around long enough to maybe leave a comment!

ST (via BlogExplosion)
Have you ever heard the phrase "write what you are most passionate about"? well, if so, then you probably know how bad of advice that is. let's face it, if you want to get people to listen to you, you have to tell them what they want to hear--don't fool yourself with all this nonsense about originality and creativity. the public isn't ready for that. new, fresh ideas can be very uncomfortable. instead, you ought to pick topics that the public already enjoys and simply rejarble and recycle them into something that kind of sounds new, but doesn't really deliver. that's the essence of pure genius, Terry. Just remember: great minds think like society expects them to think!
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