
Friday, September 10, 2004

Oversleeping and other God-Given Rights of College Students

My first class is at 9:00 am, today I got up at 9:05 am. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that? I thought so! But then I realized I was doing everything all wrong when I read Ruth Ann Burke's column yesterday The Parthenon, Marshall's School Newspaper. She was trying to give the Freshman tips of what you need and don't need in college. For example:

"Firstly, sleep is overrated. The idea of needing at least 8 hours of 'restful' sleep a night is a lie that the mattress industry perpetuates in order to line their pockets." Burke continues, "The trick to collegiate sleep is this: you can sleep 3 good hours on the corner of a coffee table and be fine."

Why didn't I know about this earlier!?! I could of went to sleep at about 4:00 am last night(or this morning, whichever you prefer) and gotten up at about 7:00 am today and been completely fine. So, since many of me readers are college readers yourself, heed Burke's advice, don't worry about going to bed early, even if you want to, make yourself stay up until three hours before you want to get up, its what you're supposed to do. Nextly:

Burke advises, "Secondly, diet isn't important. Many great students have survived on the bare essentials. You don't need 3 square meals a day. That's just another lie that is perpetuated by the food industry. Trust me, as a college student, you can live on a handful of modestly cheap, reasonable nutritious food items."

I'm actually doing pretty good with this one. When I go to visit my friends, I kinda lose track of time. I "accidentally" miss some of my meals, like dinner, good thing that isn't an important meal or anything, and a good thing I like Ramen noodles. Not to mention when I oversleep, to the point that me when someone asks me when my next class is and I say, "Five minutes ago," then my only choices are to skip class, or skip Breakfast, and more times then not breakfast is the one that gets the chopping block. I hope these tips were helpful to you guys. I'd also like to send a big thank you to Ruth Ann Burke for enlightening me. So til' next time, Later Days.

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