Thursday, August 12, 2004
West Virginia's #1 Source of Income
Yeah, you all know what I'm referring to, the Yard Sale. I'm having one tomorrow to support my education(or at least that's what I'm telling everyone, once I get to Huntington, its my money). I know you guys are thinking that I've only put junk in it, but I'm going to have a pretty good sale. My grandma and I have made a lot of crafts for it, pillows, fleece throws, and baby quilts. I found a lot of pants I just don't wear and probably never have. I think when I was younger and my mom bought all of my clothes, I had no fashion sense, now I'm pleased to say I have grown into a very fashionable punk/geek, way to go me! Also, everyone in the neighborhood found some stuff for this sale. I'm completely ready for it, and ready for the extra money it will bring in. If you happen to be in West Virginia and you drive by a yard sale, stop by, it might be me, just trying to rebuild the economy of course, no personal gain in this for me. Later Days.
BTW, I've added a google search on my side bar. Now you guys can search through my site to find the perfect rant for your current mood. If you want one for your site, visit Sarah Lane's Blog.
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