Sunday, August 08, 2004
Don't you hate it when your not sure what emotion you should be feeling. Tomorrow is my last day of work and I'm feeling about 4 different emotions at the same time and I'm really confusing myself. I feel excited because I get to start a new chapter in my life, going to college and all. Then I feel sad because I'm probably going to lose touch with some really great people who I met at work that seem like they're going to be stuck there forever. I'm proud of myself because I didn't let myself turn into those people who decided they were going to have a "summer job" before they went to college and never left. I'm extremely happy because I'm finally out of there. I know it wasn't a bad job, but two years in fast is enough to burn anybody out. So, be sure to let me know, is this normal or is my multiple personalities all trying to scratch their way to the surface. Later Days.
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