Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Hey ya'll. This was an eventful day. The play opened today, everyone I've talked to said it was good. I'm really proud of us, we pulled it off and people liked it. We performed two times today, it was fun. After the play I went to work. I was at work for only a couple of hours because there was a real bad storm today. I live near a creek and if I would of stayed at work, I probably wouldn't have made it home. I went home and fell asleep on the couch again. I really need to start staying awake, however one does that. Maybe I could just lock myself in my room and blast the pillows as loud as my stereo will go. For those of you who don't know, the pillows are a Japanese punk band, one of my favorite bands I might add. So there, now you know where half of my title comes from. I discovered them on an Anime called "Fooly Cooly." Watch it sometime, it is a really awesome anime, maybe the best one I've watched. I really like anime. . . .anyway, you guys have a great day, and until then, Later Days.
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