
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

In Kevin's Defense

Hey, I was recently at Kevin's Blog, and he said he has an impersonator. I was reading the comments to this post and some of the people were being down right mean to him. Kevin stated that he doesn't us IMs, chat rooms, message boards(which explains why I haven't heard from him here), or any of the like. His critics said he was becoming rock starish and he would quit being real if he kept it up. They knit picked his statement, when really all he was doing was warning us that we weren't really talking to him. I personally think he is still the same old Kevin, if not better. Nothing has really changed in my eyes. Not only did these critics bash Kevin, however, but they bashed the closest thing to a founding host I can think of on Tech TV, Leo Leporte. Leo has been on the channel for a very long time and he seems to know all there is to know about computers, which I really admire. I've always thought of him as a father figure to the hosts, and the critics I'm referring to seemed to call him stand offish, as if he thought he was too good to be there. If any of you watch the shows, you would know there is nothing further from the truth. You may be wondering why I'm so defensive of Leo. The reason, if Kevin is like a role model to me, Leo is like my mentor. I think the world of both of them even if all I see of them is less then an hour weekday nights. I don't know what I'd do if either of them was yanked off the station. Sorry for this rant but I think it had to be said or I would explode. Watch Tech TV any chance you get, even though its G4TechTV now, Later Days.

BTW, notice I've started using titles in this post, I think I'll keep it up.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Hey you guys. I've been having a string of good days recently. First off, the coal festival(a carnival like event the town likes to build up to more then it is) came to town last week. I got to go to a day of it with a good friend of mine, Beth. I worked all the other days, but I got overtime. Even though I don't really care about money, its nice, isn't it. A couple of days ago I went to orientation for Marshall. I had a lot of fun, signed up for classes, my mother worries put aside, and got an ID card made. The cool thing about ID cards, they are also debit cards, I've been wanting to start a checking account for some time now, and I'm going to have one through Marshall. And tomorrow, I'm going to throw a going away party for my favorite manager Natalie, yes, I'm sad she's leaving, but I'm just looking forward to the party right now. To top all that off, Connie, known to you as "mean" manager 1, is on vacation and subbing for her is a really fun manager, Sherri. Later Days.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Okay, today wasn't the best day I've ever had, but I'm sick of telling you guys about my bad days. I'm instead going to focus on the fun things I've done over the past couple weeks. First off, on June 3rd I turned 18, I know I've told you this before, but I never told you what I did that day. The truth is it was a fun and busy day. That morning I went to the last few of my Show Choir performances ever. You guys knew about all that, too. However, that evening I went to a rock show. There were roughly five bands there, all playing punk rock, as you know one of my favorite kinds of music. Most of the bands were good, one pretty bad one, but that's alright, I still had a fun time. Something happened that night. One of the bands consisted of five of my really good friends from school, they call themselves fixxer. As you know, I have this ambition of being a musician when I get a little older. As I looked upon my friends, I realized I didn't have to wait. Punk bands spring up everywhere, why don't I try to start one at Marshall. Thus, I bought a guitar on eBay for about $195, and I'm going to learn how to play it. Look out world, here I come. Next, about the beginning of this week I went the Charleston, the capitol city of West Virginia. While I was there, I bought two C.D.s; Black Eyed Peas and The Ramones. They are both really good. I didn't know I liked R&B until I heard the Black Eyed Peas, they are just awesome, that's the only word to describe them. I could go on and on about how good they are, but I don't want to do that, anyone who reads this just go out and buy their C.D. "Elephunk" now, you won't be disappointed. Also, I went to the movies with my friends Rachael and Dustin. We saw "The Stepford Wives." It was a really great movie. I wouldn't say the best movie I've ever seen, but it was well worth the $7.25 I paid for the movie ticket. You may notice that I'm kinda close lipped about it, but it is one of those movies that you want to talk about, but if you talk about it for just a few minutes, you'd give too much away. So, I'm just going to tell you to go see it, its really good. Later Days.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I know that none of you want to hear how bad my day has been, but I need to tell you how bad my day has been. Before I tell you the story of my awful day, I need to tell you two things; 1. I have allergies and recently they have been really acting up, stuffy nose, sneezing, the whole works; 2. I have been taking medicine for my acne for about two months, it works pretty well but it has some side-effects, side-effects such as chapped lips, dry skin, and nose bleeds. Now, the story of my day. I went to bed last night around 4:00 am, mainly because I'm out of school and didn't have to go to work until 5:00 pm. Also, I had to stay up and watch a show that I missed the first time at 12:30 am, I was asleep, so I didn't feel like I was missing any sleep by watching the repeat, I had slept until about an hour before it. Okay, I'm going to screw the "this show" crap, I've never been afraid to advertise a great show that I would stay up all hours of the night to watch. "This show" is called "Case Closed." Its an anime about a 17 or 18 year old detective who gets turned into a little boy, it is a really good show, its about him solving crimes and trying to turn himself back to normal. Anyway, because I stayed up to watch this show and meant to sleep in, my mom had to wake me up early that morning to do house work, yea! So, I've been tired pretty much all day. Then about 5:00 pm I went to work. As soon as I got there she put me on pre-close, this isn't so bad, all I had to do was clean up in the back, thus no grouchy customers to deal with, the only thing I don't like about drive-thru register. I did that for about three hours. Right at 8:00 pm, I was put on drive-thru sandwiches, I really didn't mind, I like making sandwiches and it was only for two hours. It seemed that immediately as I became the drive-thru sandwich person, it became busy. Busy is good, it makes time go faster, that is if you have everything you need. Of course, the person who was on sandwiches before me conveniately forgot to stock their station before they left. I had little mayonnaise, little kectup, very little cheese, and no lettuce. I had no time to stock, I just had to try to make 75+ sandwiches with next to no ingredients. By the time the two hours were up I had gotten myself pretty tired, my allergies were really taking affect, and finally got my station stocked. I asked the manager if I could go home and she said nothing. I asked again and again nothing. This was "mean" manager 1, about the time I asked her the second time, her husband walked through the door. She decided to talk to him in the dining room for about 45 minutes, none of us are supposed to talk to anyone in the dining room, not even the managers. I'm not rude, however, so I waited until she was done talking before I asked her to leave again. Finally I was able to go home. I made it home and decided to take a long, hot bath. That's relaxing, right, not this bath. As soon as I had gotten myself comfortable, I closed my eyes and felt warm drops falling on my stomach. I opened my eyes to see red puddles plunging from my nose. I got out of the bathtub and finally stopped my nose from bleeding anymore. I finally had a relaxing bath, but I'm still very sick. And that brings me to now, when I started to blog to all of you nice people, thanks for listening to my story, it made me feel better anyway. Later Days.

Hey you guys. I haven't blogged for a super long time. Sorry 'bout that. I have been really busy. I know what you're thinking, "how can you be busy when you don't go to school anymore?" The truth is, it is a pain putting the finishing touches on everything. There were about six last performances for the show choir, I had to rush to get my Eagle in scouts before I turned 18(which I did this past Thursday), and my work decided that since I wasn't 'busy' anymore, I could work more, Lucky me! I'm sure you can understand why I've neglected you slightly, you do, don't you. . . . Please. . . Okay. I think that my life is now become drastically less busy. My last Show Choir performance was on my birthday, June 3rd if anyone's wondering, don't fret if you didn't get me anything, a belated birthday gift is better then no gift at all, if you know what I mean(hint, hint). It was really weird when I had my last performance, there is one other senior in the group, he was saying things like, "Aren't you sad Terry, this is your last performance?" I kept replying with a bunch of "Yeah, sure, whatever"s, I really don't feel that this is my last performance and refuse to accept the fact that it may be. I'm going to be in Marching Band in the fall, that's performances. The fact is I just love to sing, act, and play and really don't think I could live with myself if I didn't do them on at the very least a bi-monthly basis in front of an audience. I never have looked at this graduation as an ending, only a beginning for something greater. Now to the Scout thing. I have been scrambling for the past few months to earn my last merit badges and finish up a service project so I could achieve the highest rank a Boy Scout can earn, Eagle. Eagle means as much as something like National Honor Society, employers look at that as a separator for employees. I would of felt really bad if I didn't get it, I've been a Boy Scout since I was old enough to be one, I think it's 11 and a half. I think I've done it. I did everything I can anyway, its all up to my Scout Master and the Scout Council now, wish me luck. Finally, I've gotten to my job. Okay, this isn't really going to become any less busier until I quit(my last week's the first week of August). They still have the impression that I want to work more, I don't, not even a little bit. I know that I had many more things going on before, but I liked only having to walk into the building of Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers of Danville a few times a week. I liked working if it wasn't too much at one time. If I could only work 5-10s or 9-Closes, I'd be happy, but they want me working 3-10s, and 5-Closes five days a week. I know the other people do it all the time, but the truth is I don't have a family to support, I really don't need the money. I'm comfortable right now. I hope that will end soon. I'm getting a job at the local newspaper really soon. Maybe that will eat up enough of my time so I don't have to work at Wendy's so much. Pray for me, okay? BTW, I have an extra g-mail invite, if anyone out there wants me to invite them, email-me. Its a really great e-mail service, I'd bet better then anything you're using now. Later Days.

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